Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, entertainment, judge dredd
Judge Dredd On Litter Patrol
A story from Gravesend earlier this year gave me a little chuckle. There have been stories about one firm of litter patrol officers contracting out to British councils being rather zealous in their handing out of fines, including dropped orange peel that decomposes, or throwing bread to the ducks.
The powers these private contractors have to enact such on the spot fines have proved rather controversial, with descriptions of little Hitlers or Napoleons not being uncommon.
But one officer who fined someone for dropping a fag end of a cigarette on the ground as they got on a bus may have revealed a little more.
Martin Thomson, from Windmill Street, was escorted off a bus outside Debenhams in Clive Road on November 19, because the enforcement officer refused to let it leave with him still on it, allegedly telling the 49-year-old, "I am the law."
I know that phrase….
Judge Dredd, on the streets of Britain, keeping the place tidy…