Posted in: Comics | Tagged: action lab, axe cop, comicon, Daniel Cooney, san diego, sdcc, small press, valentine, Vamplets
Matt Harding Does Comic Con – The Places To Visit At The Artist Alley And Small Press Booths. Part 2
Matt Harding writes for Bleeding Cool:
Friday. No sleep; no money, sneezy, smelly, and everything I've eaten or drunk in the last two days has had some sort of caffeine in it or energy creating kick to it.. This con is awesome. Day 2 coverage of the artist alley and small press sections of the convention, and I got some cool stuff to talk about!
Up first is my buddy Dan Cooney, of whom you may have heard about as being the creator of such properties as Valentine, Atomic Yeti, and a slew of amazing art instruction books. For decades, he's been a staple in the independent comics scene, a tradition he continues with his new book "Touched." Costing a measly five dollars, "Touched" is plotted by Christopher Allen, written by Shannon Appelcline, illustrated by my homie Dan Cooney, and colored by Lisa Gonzales. "Touched" is a comic that takes place in my hometown of San Francisco, and is about a fellow in his young adulthood who's just taking care of his day to day grind like any normal person when he's hit by a car while riding his bike (those SF bikers are crazy people). He's rushed to the hospital, and all seems well until he starts to remember seeing something while in his death coma lying on the street. This thing, or person, changes everything. Stop by Dan's booth at the front of the room, where he's working along with the beautiful Kaie Longua (author of the amazing viking death metal comic book called "Rok") and check out the complete published works from the very talented Dan Cooney. His booth is 5530. Or, if you're not at the con, or lost in the mess of people you can check out his website at
You've probably all heard of the my next find, but I thought I'd throw a shout out just in case you didn't know where they're at. I'm talking about AXE COP y'all! Ethan Nicolle and his little writing bro-bro are selling everything from Axe Cop costumes to brand new awesome sketchbooks by Ethan, which I bought and am currently loving the hell out of. Go check them out now and buy some amazing stuff, talk with them and swap Axe Cop jokes at 1603. Get a plastic axe and a fake mustache and join the toves of axe cops walking around the convention this year, trust me it'll be fun.
Next up is one of the biggest up-and-coming comic book publishers coming out of California these days, and they go by the name of Action Lab. A little while ago, they shocked everyone with their nomination for not one, but TWO Eisner Awards, one of which (Princeless) was in direct competition to Mark Waid's Daredevil. One of the Action Lab owners, and frontman Dave Dwonch only a week ago underwent a crazy surgery and was told by all his doctors that coming here to this convention was the worst possible idea EVER. Did that stop Dave? Hell no! He's standing up, smiling, laughing and showing off his new hit property named "Vamplets." A beautiful hardcover book written by Dave Dwonch and Cayle Middleton, with art by Amanda Coronado and Bill Blankenship, and sold in an exclusive premire limited convention edition, this book is not to be missed. "Vamplets" is based on the current Vamplets plushy doll toy line (which are available to buy at the booth) that was created by one of the original "My Little Pony" artists Cayle Middleton. Despite this being a mixed property book, Dave says that it's very much a family working on the book togather. "While you're at their booth (which you friggin better be) check out some of their other hit properties like Ghost Town, their NFL licensed book, Princeless, and my personal favorite comic Double Jumpers. Their booth is at 2202.