Comics Archives

Power Rangers
The dimension-shifting comic storyline Power Rangers: Shattered Grid sees Lord Drakkon — a twisted alternate-reality version of Tommy Oliver, the Green Power Ranger moving against the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers in April's titles from Boom! Studios, but it appears they have a ringer.
Titans #19 cover by Paul Pelletier, Andrew Hennessy, and Adriano Lucas
In Titans #19, the Titans are under a scrutiny by the Justice League. After the Troia incident and all the information revealed during the conflict, the League is no longer sure the Titans can operate properly. Does this make for a good read?
marvel comics
Bleeding Cool has often been the first to let you know about any corporate shakeups in the comics world — and now we have learned that there more, and possibly bigger, changes to come at Marvel Comics.
Coyotes #3 cover by Caitlin Yarsky
In Coyotes #3, Coffey and Red meet some old mysterious old women in the hopes of finding help in fighting the Coyotes. Meanwhile, we learn more of the source of these creatures. Is it a good read?
Judas #2 cover by Jakub Rebelka
In Judas #2, Judas has been approached by Lucifer himself. The Devil has a new way of looking at Judas' life as well as many other characters from biblical history. Will Judas see things his way? Does this make for a good read?
General Ursus #1 cover by Paolo and Joe Rivera
In Planet of the Apes: Ursus #1, the humans are destroying the crops of Ape City. The high council wants to put the ape soldiers to work in farming, but General Ursus wants his soldiers on guard against the human threat. Does this drama make for a good read?
multiple man
Marvel Comics has registered a trademark under the name "Multiple Man" for a long list of publishing and merchandise-related items, including publications, books, office and school supplies, temporary tattoo transfers, and more.