Posted in: Comics | Tagged: clone conspiracy, Comics, dan slott, entertainment, mcm
Possible Spoilers For Clone Conspiracy #3 From MCM London Comic Con
Marvel SVP David Gabriel had a lot to show off at London MCM Comic Con and the Diamond Retailer Day. And, despite Spider-Man writer Dan Slott begging him not to say anything, he was here to talk Clone Conspiracy #3, the current Spider-Man event in which friends and foes have been brought back from the dead via science – maybe…
David told us that in Clone Conspiracy, chief cloning scientist The Jackal will make a tantalising offer to Peter Parker that we don't know if he'll want to turn down. And it was up to us to come to our own conclusions as to what that was.
While for lovers of the Clone Saga, we are to expect a reveal in issue 3 that will "truly crack the Spider-Verse in half". And that issue 3 of Clone Conspiracy is pivotal…
Start pivoting now! And here's a look inside issue 2…
Watch for more stories from MCM London Comic Con here.