Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: bad guys, Comics, entertainment, multiversity, nazis, peanuts, superman
31 Thoughts About 31 Comics – From The Darkness Of Peanuts To The Light Of Batman And Robin
Another week? What wonderful comic books are waiting for you in store today? Here are just a few….
Looks like Robin, in Batman And Robin, has a new power as well as Superman. Not only does h have strength, speed and flight, he can also keep lights lit when they are no longer connected to the power source. He is the power source! And while this is very cool, this is not the freakiest scene in a comic book today…
That honour would have to go to Peanuts #25. I'm sorry, but this is a horror scene right here. Cut to black, te sounds of splashing ans screaming and you will never recover… Boom's first long form Peanuts story is genuinely disturbing.
There's a time and a place, in IXth Generation #2, and this is not it. The place is in the Daily Bugle offices…
While Silk may not be up on the latest tech, but those hormone powers of her do seem to make her a walking Grindr….
Bitch Planet spends an issue giving motivation to one particular favourite character, a life story in twenty odd pages. But, I don't know, I think that third panel here would do the entire job for me…
I don't think I got this about Manifest Destiny until now. An allegorical tale about empire building and the moral laxitude combined with religious fervour that seems necessary to get the job done, specifically the drive across the USA by European settlers to "civilise" it. And these arches that seem to summon the monsters that try to drive them back… they're golden arches. As in McDonalds. Bringing forth strange cattle monsters and the like. A symbol of America, or the America that is to come. Sorry for being slow. But the central themes are around a lot this week.
Today, everyone's going for a little moral relativism. Even Baron Zemo in All-New Captain America. Who are the bad guys and who are the good guys really, eh? Eh? Eh?
Even Mega-Man #45 is feeling less sure about things…
Magog gives Superman pause for thought in Superman/Wonder Woman. Is he the bad guy? Well, there was that thing about his being partially responsible for the death of an entire world over in Superman recently. In comparison…
…Nazi Superman in The Muliversity: Mastermen is just chickenfeed. Still, he does seem to be having a bit of a Mitchell And Webb moment.
MPH does a good impersonation of Delboy in Only Fools And Horses as it wraps up it's extended Future Shock of a comic book. "Blink" and you'll miss it. Say, did he just fall through the bar?
Is it me or would "Hipster Viking" have made a better subtitle to the Loki series than Agent Of Asgard? Although obviously people would have had to point out that vikings didn't wear horns on their helmet. But maybe that just adds to the whole hipster vibe. Which is why he's probably hanging out in Ms. Marvel today.
While in Agents Of Asgard, he still has his charms too. And he uses the UK version of "Kilroy was here" I'm please do see, the "Wot No…?" Chad image…
Clearly these folk in Avengers World didn't see the first of the Star Trek reboot films….
Though someone definitely saw X3: The Last Stand in Nova.
And hey, Rocket Raccoon, at least you wear pants now, in which you can be terrified in. Wasn't always the way.
And it's a problem even the toughest of gangster types have to deal with, in Sons Of Anarchy #18
More anti-breeeder rhetoric in Batwoman… all this heterophobia in comic books, someo e should do something.
Wonder Woman's hair is a real problem it seems. But no one has had, it seems, thought to use Batman' ears as a handy grip to knee him in the face.
World Of Archie Comics Double Digest #47 gives us an alien that's, well, one of the one percent it seems. WHat an interplanetary snob.
Ivar, Timewalker #2 is never going to appear at an open mike night asking the audience for three objects to riff off is he? That's the thing about time travellers though, you should be able to just fix things the second time.
Though, as in Uncanny X-Men, it always raises issues of being able to do this all the time and wipe out continuity until nothing matters at all ever…
Talking of which, it's New 52: Futures End again.
Don't you hate it when people are watching you while you work? Puts you right off your stroke… Letter 44 #14 goes flashback on us when Sergenat Willett proves to be too curious for his own good…
The military is in hot pursuit of Jess and Wrex, while the massive Tyrannosaurus fights off mutant beasts pouring into our world in Terrible Lizard #4. Also, he rather likes Katie Cook's new comic book and takes the opportunity to plug it.
The Valiant #2 gets down to definitions. Ignorance is bliss, for example…
While Unity #15 prefers a lesson in home econmics. I swear I know people watching horror films who get far more freaked out at the stains on carpets and curtains than the deaths that cause said stains. And now I know, thanks to Unity, just how psychopathic that must be.
Which means, reading Plunder #1, they'd be far more worried about the drip drip dripping entrails than the events that would have led to this horrific scene. Launch of a new horror series by Swifty Lang and Skuds McKinley…
Hey, even Burning Fields #2 has folk strung up by guts. Is this a Boom theme today?
Sometimes it pays to be able to read backwards… Eternal #2 has an enticing window display,
The second I show Lumberjanes #11 to my eldest girl, she is totally going to use this as a line…
So what did you pick up this week?
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London. With a Kickstarter launch party and private view for their Beast Wagon exhibition, featuring original artwork and preview pages from the Owen Michael Johnson and John Pearson comic, with work from Steve White, Iain Laurie & Conor Boyle.