Aaron and Tri-Force Mike from A Comic Shop in Orlando, Florida return out of the cold in their suede and leather to take us through this week's comics from both a retailer and a fan perspective.
And they express their love for Crossed, the penis-captation of Orc Stain, Marvel's one good book New Avengers and its swipes from JLI, the question as to how much Geoff Johns wrote of Superboy, Thunder Agents via X-Statix, Widening Gyre, Fables 100 and dinging the covers of 27…
Weekly TOP PICKS: 12.8.2010
#1. FABLES 100 BILL WILLINGHAM! It's like a mini graphic novel! You should really be reading fables. It's on it's 100th issue! It's obviously amazing! 100 pages for $10.00! And a board game! Pretty cool! FABLES POSTER (Sold Separately, the pieces are in FABLES: Issue #100)
#2. CROSSED: FAMILY VALUES 6 (OF 7) DAVID LAPHAM OUT CROSSED CROSSED! He's outdone Ennis! What a sicko! I hate that I love it, and the only way I can feel now, is when I read Crossed.
#3. SUPERBOY 2 POISON IVY tentacle rapes Superboy?! How is that possible? Oh, wait. Cool.
#4. FLASH 7 GEOFF JOHNS! WHO IS BOOMERANG?! Why is he back from the dead? Why does he have to "throw the boomerang at her?"
#5. T.H.U.N.D.E.R. AGENTS 2 NICK SPENCER! Heroes with an expiration date!
#6. NEW AVENGERS 7 BRIAN BENDIS!Luke and Jessica's baby is the most likely baby to get attacked by Doctor Doom. So who do you hire for a nanny? The one person who's beat Doom… SQUIRREL GIRL!
Graphic Novels
Down and out in the economy? Skin and slice your penis! Peen for gold! ORCS USE PENISES AS CURRENCY! Srsly. Relevant to interests.
BATMAN: THE WIDENING GYRE, VOL. 01 KEVIN SMITH's best comic work to date! Shocking twist ending…stay away from spoilers! Smith's DC work (Green Arrow Quiver and Sounds of Violence, and Batman Cacophony) all lead here!
Best Book Ever:
Tried Volume 1? And weren't completely sold on it? is where Mark Buckingham became the regular artist, and is still on the book on issue #100! Volume 2 is where the series really got it's paws! Still not convinced? Try issue #6 (the first issue of Volume 2) for free!
Not your grandma's old ass movie with all the singing! The original L.Frank Baum story, with all the hardcore gritty violence of the original! Tin Woodsman decapitates 40 wolves! Scarecrow snaps the neck of 40 evil crows! Skottie Young's not just doing Deadpool covers anymore! He makes this characters cool! Tinman has a mustache! Cowardly Lion drink some liquid courage!
Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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Check out the preview for Immortal Thor #22, where the God of Thunder faces off against Utgard-Loki and NRGL, Lord of Murder-in-Darkness, in the unforgiving city of Utgard.
In Deadpool #13, Wade Wilson is out for revenge against Death Grip, armed with a mysterious new weapon. But first, he's got a score to settle with Solem. Check out the preview here!
Harvey Dent struggles to maintain control while a new threat emerges from Gotham's criminal underground in Two-Face #5, hitting stores this Wednesday from DC Comics.
Marvel's biggest musical stars come together for Concert of Champions #1, but a mysterious new metal band called Deep Void may have sinister plans for the festival.