Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: amazing spider-man 700, Comics, ebay, Marvel Comics, spider-man
Amazing Spider-Man 700, The eBay Incident – Saturday Trending Topics
There's been a lot of attention surrounding Amazing Spider-Man 700 this week, and this is just the latest chapter: This is an eBay listing for Amazing Spider-Man #700, in hand, for $50. It was ended early after Marvel Comics intervened.
Most-Read Comic Stories Today – Amazing Spider-Man 700:
So How Did Amazing Spider-Man 700 Leak Anyway? –
This is an eBay listing for Amazing Spider-Man 700, in hand, for $50. It was ended early after Marvel Comics intervened.
The Joss Whedon/Bryan Hitch Spider-Man Comic That Never Was
It was discussed a few times, with Joey Q turning down a Spidey book from me and Joss Whedon. I know, right?
Amazing Spider-Man #700 Spoiled Online
This morning I woke up to a page-by-page synopsis of Amazing Spider-Man #700 and a photo of the final two pages of the comic. Since then I've received it a number of times.
Most-Read TV/Film Stories Today – Amazing Spider-Man 2 Film
Casting Call For Next Spider-Man Movie Has A Sort Of Spoiler In It
I warned you about spoilers in the headline. Don't read on if you're only going to complain.
Best Camera Test Ever – But Canon Didn't Think It Was Funny
But when Jonathan Yi took a pre-production model of the Canon EOS C300 out for a test spin he tried something a bit different.
Also Mrs Brown takes a trip in the TARDIS. You don't suppose… she could be the next regeneration, could she?
Most-Discussed In The Forum Today:
So How Did Amazing Spider-Man 700 Leak Anyway?
This is an eBay listing for Amazing Spider-Man 700, in hand, for $50. It was ended early after Marvel Comics intervened.
Rantz Hoseley On Unionising Comics
Rantz Hoseley (remember him? When Longbox Comics was a thing?) writes;
Will Gail Simone Leave Batgirl? DC Creative Changes In The Next Few Months
Just as I was about to run the story about the Villains Month at DC Comics yesterday, I received an e-mail from an anonymous source that not only backed up everything I'd heard from good sources about that project but added some new details about DC right now, some of which I'd heard (and was planning a story for today) and some of which I hadn't.