Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates, Run Around | Tagged: amazon, Comics, obama
Friday Runaround: Steppenwolf And The Last Amazon
O-ManWatch: Robert Grossman continues to cover the election.
From his perch in O-Manland, our hero soars over the nation, primed to swoop down and engage in "random acts of heroism." All the while fending off his predatory rivals—Milt Rhomboid, former president of Drain Capital, Paul "Nursery" Rhyme (whose trademark couplet is "I got mine. So Take a Hike"), his battle with Rich Gingnewt (whose "scaly cold-bloodedness [is] simply irresistible") now over.
O-Man, however, does not have what every superhero and anti-hero needs most: media sinecure. O-Manland resides on its own website, but the publishing outlets for a contiguous satiric comic strips have dwindled
DCNationWatch: Super Best Friends VS Solomon Grundy;
ArroWatch: DC Comics are making Arrow #1 Special Edition available for free om October 10th as part of their "Arrow Day" promotion, around the new TV series Arrow, with a preview of Green Arrow #0 and a digital download code for the first issue of the Arrow digital comic.
CookWatch: Dirt Candy, the comicbook cookbook.
But the publishers kept asking, and "at some point we felt like we couldn't say no," Cohen says. She was trying to figure out how to do something different, and kept coming to dead ends.
It led to a fight with her husband. "He was literally yelling across the street, 'you should just do a comic book cookbook.' And it was like a light bulb going off, and both of us stopped and thought, that could work," she said. "Right away we could see how the graphic novel format could really lend itself to a cookbook, and how drawing all these difficult techniques would make them seem easier and how much information we could pack into this one book."
IndonesiaWatch: The BBC looks at the local comic scene.
Keen to create their own, more home-grown, voice and images, a number of young Indonesians are finding innovative ways to draw in an audience.
And they are being noticed.
At the Goethe Institute in Jakarta, an exhibition of Indonesian and German comics was held this month to showcase the work of up-and-coming artists.
Gracing the walls were drawings by five of Indonesia's most popular comic book artists, who are trying to change the way Indonesians view local comics.
ShoreWatch: Comic books hit Leno… from an unusual source.
Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino was a guest on 'The Tonight Show With Jay Leno' on Wednesday night to talk Jersey Shore, and to promote his new comic book "The Situation."
Sorrentino told Leno that he began writing the book, loosely based off of stories of his own life a while back while touring the east coast, and earlier this year it all came together when the reality star teamed up with Wizard World comics and the comic book was born.
Comics! For Kids! Watch:
Also at the Chappaqua Library: A Create Your Own Comics event, for kids in grades 3-5, at 4 p.m. Click here for details.
CoverWatch: Yildiray Cinar comes to Earth 2 for a couple of issues.
EARTH 2, issue 8 cover pencils
Featuring Steppenwolf and the last Amazon on Earth 2I'll be providing the art in issues 7 & 8.
AaronWatch: Jason Aaron makes it for a signing in London…
SlottWatch: @DanSlott on Twittiquette
There's a BIG difference between "Name of Person" and @NameOfPerson.
Talking smack about a writer/artist/actor online is okay. That's your opinion and you're entitled to it.
Talking smack about them WHILE using their Twitter handle is rude.You are going out of your way to put YOUR snarky comment into THEIR Twitter feed. There is NO need for that. If you want to spout off ABOUT them online, that's your prerogative. If you want to abuse the resource of twitter and spout off AT them, that's a pretty lousy thing for you to do.
HickmanWatch: Warren Ellis gives Jonathan Hickman some love.
Everything connects, everything reflects something else, and the book develops its own smooth language. He doesn't use these elements to jar. Except when, in my favourite bit of infographic fun in the book, he does. This still makes me smile. And, yes, it's a mild spoiler, but fuck it, it's glorious:
ProposalWatch: Kurtis J Wiebe makes a generous offer to all you ladies out there. Possibly you gentlemen as well.
Any American woman want to marry me so I can move to and permanently live in Seattle? I'll cut you in on my comic writing fortune!
— Kurtis J. Wiebe (@kurtisjwiebe) September 27, 2012
GameWatch: Dan Abnett at Game Day.
This is Computo the Comic Link Conqueror speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.
They say I am a work in progress. The fools.
DC Entertainment Partners With Craftsman For The Technician Super Hero – Forbes
Fans who attend the sold out New York Comic-Con (NYCC) October 11-14 at the Javitz Center will see the first-ever print comic book crossover between DC Entertainment and Craftsman — "Craftsman Bolt-On System Saves the Justice League." The story involves major super heroes like Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman and The Flash. Of course, this being a digital world, anyone can view or download the comic online at beginning October 1.
anodyne1990's channel – YouTube
Avengers unfinished cg, behind the scenes stuff.
Cookie Monster and Grover take on 'The Avengers,' 'The Hunger Games,' and more…in song! | PopWatch |
Grover and Cookie Monster (a.k.a. the Blue Brothers) had enough wiggle room in their schedules to stop by to sing a few musical numbers of their own, parodying the likes of The Avengers, The Hunger Games, Doctor Who, and even The Newsroom.
Exclusive Look at Harley Quinn From Batman Live | Superhero Hype
SuperHeroHype has your exclusive first look at a new video for the arena show Batman Live in which you will get to meet Poppy Tierny, who plays Harley Quinn.