Posted in: Movies, Recent Updates, TV, Video Games | Tagged: anime, anime expo, Comcept, entertainment, Keiji Inafune, kickstarter, mega man, Mighty No. 9, tv, video games
Out Of Anime Expo: Mighty No. 9 Gets A Cartoon…And More Funding?
By Sage Ashford
Founder of Japanese indie company Comcept, as well as chief designer/creator of beloved Capcom mascot Mega Man, Keiji Inafune, made an appearance at Anime Expo to talk about his new creation, Mighty No. 9, spiritual successor to Mega Man and holder of one of the largest video game Kickstarters ever. Inafune had much to talk about, including the fact that Tokyo-based company Digital Frontier is planning to release a CGI cartoon based on the game in 2016. They gave a small preview of the cartoon, as well as giving a description of the plot on YouTube, presumably one that is identical to that of the game itself:
The story focuses on BECK, a weak transforming combat robot, who was made to fight in a combat robot league as a part of the MIGHTY NUMBERS, the strongest robots in the world. When Beck is the only robot spared from a virus that forces his teammates to destroy mankind, he has to find a way to overcome his own inadequacies so that he can stop them.
The cartoon's preview itself can be found on YouTube:
There also appears to be discussion of a live-action adaptation.
In addition it seems that Comcept is launching a second crowdfunding campaign, this time not through Kickstarter, in order to pay for additional content for the game. Essentially, this new campaign will be to meet additional stretch goals, the first of which being Full English VA. This video comes with a new video from Inafune, that also features gameplay from the title itself.
Now, I've spoken at length about my feelings on how some Kickstarters are forced to "add back content" that they took out just to get enough funding to make the game, but this isn't that. As previously mentioned, Mighty No. 9 is probably one of the Top 10 most successful video game Kickstarters ever–they met and exceeded more stretch goals than most people ever even think about adding. Case in point:
If anything, this is legitimate feature creep, which hopefully they can rein in so they don't mess with their time tables.
Mighty No. 9 is scheduled for a Spring 2015 release on PS3, PS4, Playstation Vita, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PC, Mac, and Linux.
Sage Ashford is a college kid with far more hobbies than he has free time. You can find him on Twitter @SageShinigami, but also at his own blog Jumping in Headfirst (, talking comics, anime, music and more.