Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: 2000ad, Aquila: Carnifex, Black Shuck, Brass Sun, Comics, entertainment, Jaegir: Circe, judge dredd, rebellion
Preview This Week's 2000AD – Judge Dredd, Aquila: Carnifex, Brass Sun, Black Shuck, Jaegir: Circe
It's that time again–time for another 2000AD preview before this issue arrives in shops on September 10th in the UK, a little behind in print in the USA, and digitally world-wide on September 10th.
This week's Prog 1898 includes:
Judge Dredd: "Cascade" – by Michael Carroll and Paul Marshall.
Aquila: "Carnifex" – by Gordon Rennie and Leigh Gallagher
Brass Sun: "Floating Worlds"– by Ian Edginton and INJ Culbard
Black Shuck – by Leah Moore, John Reppion and Steve Yeowell
Jaegir: "Circe "– by Gordon Rennie and Simon Coleby
And here's our preview of Prog 1898 courtesy of 2000AD:
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