Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, dc, film, nic cage, superman lives
The Death Of Superman Lives – Saturday Trending Topics
I never followed the production of Superman Lives very closely, aside what you'd hear about it re the Kevin Smith script, here and there.
But… huh. Looking at the timeline now, here's an interesting little tidbit I never noticed before: Nic Cage bought his now-infamous high grade copy of Action Comics #1 in 1997 shortly after he was cast as Superman. He finally dropped out of Superman Lives in 2000 shortly after the Action Comics #1 (and other comics) was stolen from him. Fascinating.
Most-Read Comic Stories Saturday:
Catwoman #23 Tops $15, Joker's Daughter #1 Tops $30
Catwoman #23, featuring the first appearance of the new Joker's Daughter, is now a $15 comic on eBay, though some copies are selling around the $10-$12 mark. For a $2.99 comic published on Wednesday, that's quite a rise.
Paul Pope Remembers Auctioned Page From Batman: Year 100
The motorcycle scene from Batman: Year 100 #4 went up for auction this week. Page twenty of the book was drawn by Paul Pope and was auctioned at on August 29th and closed after 26 bids for $3,600.00. Pope drew the art on 19" X 24" board and used every inch as the art is full bleed plus it's signed and stamped by the artist. It's said very few of the pages for the series have gone into the art collecting market.
How Will Your Retailer Be Dealing With Villains Month? (UPDATE)
So we asked a number of comic book retailers how they will be dealing with next week's first delivery of the Villains Month 3D covers from DC Comics, in the light of across-the-board allocations and replacement with 2D covers.
I really wish Tim Burton's Superman Lives had happened. It sounds pretty idiosyncratic.
I really wish Tim Burton's Superman Lives had happened. It sounds pretty idiosyncratic.
Looks Like Paul McGann Has Filmed A New Doctor Who Something… But What?
I've got it on very good authority that eighth Doctor Paul McGann has filmed something for the Doctor Who 50th anniversary, but haven't been able to verify exactly what.
Casting Roundup: Dumb and Dumber To, Richard Gere, And More Love Interests For Mindy Kaling
Looks like that Dumb and Dumber sequel no one is asking for is actually going to happen, with Kathleen Turner now the first new cast member joining the sequel to the 1994 comedy. Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels – after much back and forth – are both returning to reprise their roles, as are the Farrelly brothers to direct. [