Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates, Run Around | Tagged: Comics, dc, marvel, marvelman, miracleman, outlaws, red hood, scott lobdell, teen titans
Tuesday Runaround – The Secrets Of Marvelman And Miracleman
This is Computo the Comic Link Conqueror speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.
They say I am a work in progress. The fools.
'Outlaws' nation: Lobdell pens adventures of unlikely trio
However, issue 7 — drawn by Kenneth Rocafort and available this week in comic shops and digitally — will be a "left-hand turn" for Red Hood, who under the crimson helmet is former Robin and formerly dead Batman ward Jason Todd. He believed he knew everything there was to know about the mysterious Al-Caste he trained with as well as his one-time mentor Ducra, assassin Essence and the evil Untitled.
Not so, apparently. "He's going to discover that there have been secrets that have been kept from him until now," Lobdell says. "As he is essentially the last remaining acolyte of Ducra's, it's going to put him in a terribly awkward position moving forward."
Sneak Peek: Secret Avengers #24 | Avengers | Comic News | News |
Marvel is proud to present your first look at SECRET AVENGERS #24, from the team of Rick Remender, Gabriel Hardman & Bettie Breitweiser.
'Chronicle' Helmer Josh Trank Lands On 'The Red Star' At Warner Bros –
Warner Bros has set Josh Trank to develop to direct The Red Star, an adaptation of a graphic novel that will be scripted by Jason Rothenberg.
Australia : Australian fashion label to unveil Marvel Comics line – Fashion News Australia
'Romance Was Born', an Australian fashion label set up six years ago by designers Anna Plunkett and Luke Sales, will unveil a new collection based on characters of Marvel Comics at the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia (MBFWA), scheduled to be held from April 30 to May 4, 2012.
Pádraig Ó Méalóid: Neil Gaiman and Todd McFarlane: The Story So Far (March 1993 – March 2012)
Although Gaiman and McFarlane's first meeting in court was on the 1st of October, 2002, nearly ten years ago now, the cause of their dispute goes back nearly ten years before that, with roots set in place some years before that, again. So, in an attempt to put it all into some sort of context, I'm listing what I see as the main points of their dispute, in chronological order, as exactly as I can, along with some earlier events, to put it all into context.
Bruce Wayne wears the mask of Batman, but what is the hero's true identity? The question is a knotty one and the answer depends on which Gotham City you have visited and when you were there.