Marvel Comics finds a new use for the Punisher Skull logo in The Ultimates #10, as seen in the Daily LITG, for the 6th of March, 2025
Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: anniversary, games, nintendo
Twenty-Five Years Of Zelda In One Image
I do like Zelda. One of the reasons I'm planning on picking up the Nintendo 3DS is to play Ocarina Of Time in three dimensions. But I was a late starter, I came to the franchise with the N64 and have been playing since. It is my favourite game of all time, and I have special love for the time twistiness of Majora's Mask.
So yes, my favourite part of Scott Pilgrim was the music in Scott's possible-dream sequence, full of fairytale possibilities. And yes, I would like a copy of this poster, created for this year's anniversary. If only I could find somehere to hang it…
Via Unreality Mag, created by pixiv.

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