Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: beano, beanotown, Comics
When Beanotown Opened To The General Public Today. Including My Two.
So I went to the new Beanotown event at London's South Bank with the kids. Round the back of Queen Elizabeth Hall was the most remarkably, museum, playpen and culinary experience celebrating Britain's oldest comic book. And the oldest continually publishing in one volume comic book in the world. The Beano.
It celebrates the current Beano, honours the past of the comic and gives kids lots to read, play and draw. Oh and eat, drink and buy from the shop. Everything is free except the last three bits.
If you are visiting London with young kids and you do not take them here, I consider that tantamount to neglect. Have a look at what we got up to…
- The way in from an unassuming South Bank, London
- A good sign we're on the right track
- Walking on Lord Snooty, taking his palce next to the standard South Bank celebrity tiles
- To the left of the entrance
- Above the entrance
- Almost there…
- And we're in, Okay, what's this?
- A library?
- Oh, a drawing room…
- A handy stool…
- Comfy spots
- More comfy spots
- Keep going….
- Man cannot live by comics alone.
- SO manny messy meals to choose from. They went for spaghetti hoop toasties.
- The kitchen, with Bananaman!
- A photo booth…
- Eve and Dennis
- Alice and Minnie
- O
- O again
- Part of the Beano, I see
- Lots to look at
- Original art in colour!
- Seriously, I could spend all day in here, reading.
- But I have little ones to entertain
- And they aren;t completely won over by the history of the Beano, whether wartime…
- Or postwar…
- But that's better.
- They've got a Dennis.
- To hug….
- …and to smell.
- Learning about pranking
- Playing Table Dennis.
- Bothering Gnasher
- And drawing on the wall!
- A real treat from the treehouse.
- I'm not allowed in.
- So I go tonthe archives…
- ANd the history…
- I remember some of these.
- But most are before even my time.
- There's the Beason's place in culture.
- And it's place in the world.
- Politics and PC play a part
- World anyone notice if I just stole all these?
- I mean c'mon, all I need is a hammer.
- Or would that mean I'd get the Bash Street cane?
- The toilets are themed
- With old art all around
- No one had better wipe with this…
- Dennis from a distance
- Even the fire doors are themed
- As are the kitchen staff.
- It must get hot in that.
- The toilets pipe out bad jokes….
- And the shop sells all sorts,
- More history…
- … and social comment…
- And food…
- And shoping…
- And pranking…
- And playing…
- And dressing up as Bananaman…
- Enough!
- Time to go home
- Maybe this map will help?

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