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The Return Of Wildstorm's Dan Quayle (Local Man #11 Spoilers)

Once upon a time, Dan Quayle was Vice President of the United States Of America. And appeared in WildCATS #1-4.

Article Summary

  • Former VP Dan Quayle returns to comics in Birds Of Prey #11.
  • Quayle's previous comic appearance was in WildCATS #1-4.
  • The issue connects to Wildstorm universe, featuring Zealot and Quayle.
  • Birds Of Prey #11: featuring dinosaurs and political intrigue.

Once upon a time, Dan Quayle was Vice President of the United States Of America. In 1992, Jim Lee and Brandon Choi created and published WildCATS through Image Comics and included Dan Quayle as a character appeared in WildCATS #1-4 as he was possessed by an alien warrior.

Local Man Crosses Over With 's WildCATS
WildCATS , 1992

Dan Quayle served as the 44th vice president of the United States from 1989 to 1993 under President George Bush. A one-term vice presidency, Quayle represented Indiana for the Republican Party in the House of Representatives from 1977 to 1981 and in the Senate from 1981 to 1989. He was defeated in 1992 by Bill Clinton and Al Gore. He sought the Republican presidential nomination in 2000, but withdrew his campaign early on and supported George W. Bush. He also joined Cerberus Capital Management, a private equity firm, in 1999.

How 2023's Local Man #5 Managed To Crossover With 1992's WildCATS
WildCATS , 1992

These days he is best known for gaffes and blunders that seem minimal and quaint compared to the likes of Trump and Biden. Basically insisting that the word "potato" was spelled "potatoes" in a school classroom, correcting a student who had spelt it correctly.

How 2023's Local Man #5 Managed To Crossover With 1992's WildCATS

Less remembered now was his staunch opposition to abortion rights, and anti-gay marriage stance. But he did advise Mike Pence over the results of the 2020 Presidential Election, and told Pence that he had no choice but to verify the results, no matter what pressure Donald Trump had put on him. He may have saved America with those words. Who knew?

How 2023's Local Man #5 Managed To Crossover With 1992's WildCATS

And now, they've decided to bring in another Wildstorm character in tomorrow's Local Man from Image Comics.

Auto Draft

And in full continuity with his early Daemonite possessed self.

Auto Draft

As well as a note to the sequel to Gen-13. Dan Quayle is involved in all this. Not bad for a retired politician currently in his late seventies. Might the Daemonite host have left a little omph behind?

Auto Draft

It's clear where Dan Quayle still stands on gun rights, I guess. He once said "Recently there have been several tragic incidents across our nation. The solution to these will not be found in gun control, but rather in self-control. It is the absence of faith, hope, direction and parental discipline in the lives of more and more young people that cause some of them to act violently. A child who loves God, honors his parents and respects his neighbors will not kill anyone." So how is his self-control at the moment? Of course, he who lives by the semi-automatic…

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Okay, so that's the end of that. This week's Local Man #11 by Tim Seeley and Tony Fleecs kills Dan Quayle. Okay, maybe not entirely. Almost. Will that make it more collectable or less?

(W) Tim Seeley, Tony Fleecs (A/CA) Tim Seeley, Tony Fleecs
The fate of Farmington is on the line, and Jack Xaver is all out of friends. Now, to stop the Faceless Horde, Local Man will do any damn thing… including giving himself over to the evil of the Fright! But there's one being more malevolent than an ancient alien fear god in town-former U.S. VP Dan Quayle.In Shops: Jul 03, 2024
SRP: $3.99

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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