Posted in: Comics | Tagged: brigade, Comics, kickstarter, NYCC, nycc2019, rob liefeld
Rob Liefeld to (Finally) Debut Brigade at New York Comic Con 2019? Promises Backers Will Get Theirs First
Rob Liefeld's website has a new listing the release of a new Brigade comic book for New York Comic Con in October. With a NYCC variant cover cost of $40.
The premiere event arrives exclusively available at NYCC, debuting Oct. 3, 2019! The long-awaited, much-anticipated BRIGADE. Packed with so many secrets it remains under lock & key, away from prying eyes. Produced by the team that gave you MAJOR X & DEADPOOL, Written and drawn by Rob Liefeld, colors by Rom Fajardo, your only opportunity to experience this exclusive event comic is through this NYCC exclusive signed by prolific creator Rob Liefeld!
Backer copies will have been sent out prior to this, the general public can obtain BRIGADE only through this offer, available on-site at this event!
Backer copies will be sent out before October? What backer copies would these be? And how long have people been waiting? Well, May 2013 saw Rob Liefeld launch a Kickstarter fundraiser for the return of his Brigade comic book, scheduled for October 2013. And they were going to be issued free
BRIGADE and its creator Rob Liefeld ( Deadpool, Cable, X-Force ) are returning to comics and we want everyone to get a FREE copy of the re-imagined Brigade! Brigade launched in the summer of 1992 and was one of the most popular books at Image Comics. The book featured a colorful cast of characters, Battlestone, Coldsnap, Lethal, Seahawk, Thermal, Stasis and Roman united against the forces of evil. The cast and concept of Brigade have been radically updated and re-imagined and I'd like everyone to get a copy for free! I can only do this with your support and commitments on Kickstarter.
By funding this Free Initiative you are helping provide Free copies of Brigade to comic stores in the U.S. and Canada as well as Free digital downloads of Brigade. The more money raised, the more FREE copies and issues we can produce. A FREE comic breaks through all barriers and crosses all ages, a free comic provides a risk-free experience that can create a doorway into a new world of imagination and wonder. Brigade with its fresh, bold direction and characters will provide a dynamic comic book experience for readers old and new.
100% of the funding is going to PRINTING the comic and the hardcover. My personal goal is to produce at least 100,000 copies of BRIGADE #1 or 50,000 each of issues #1 and #2. That is the purpose of this Kickstarter. I draw every day wether I'm paid or not, it's what I do, but printing comics and giving them away for FREE must be budgeted and accounted for.
And as the money came in, saying;
Thank you to everyone who has supported and pledged to get us funded. What does this mean? It means I can provide 50,000 FREE BRIGADE copies to fans and retailers! I would like to increase that number and expand the amount of FREE BRIGADE comic books! With that in mind I've created fun, creative Stretch Goals incentives to reach the next stage!
And his updates showed progress. In September, he posted
I failed to mention that when Brigade goes to press between October and November, that a digital file will go out to each and every backer so that they can enjoy the work in digital form immediately following its competition. This way you can enjoy the story and variants prior to receiving the physical copy.
I have been purchasing early digital releases of popular summer films, Star Trek Into Darkness and World War Z which are available many weeks before the physical DVD launch. You will all receive your digital Brigade for FREE!
In December 2013, he was looking to the beginning of 2014.
I'm looking at 2 shows in the 1st quarter of 2014 to release BRIGADE! One is right around the corner and I'm hoping to make the early date with a limited 1st edition that will fulfill all backers before going into wide release! I will keep you posted!
By January 2014, it was down to the colourists – and creating too many pages…
Brigade is nearing completion. I produced too many pages for the the first issue and subsequently kicked some of them to the second issue. Thank you for your patience. I'm trying to make this special and use Brigade in order to completely re-set my universe of characters.
Colors have been the biggest hurdle as I've tried a number of different colorists in this book after my first choice retired a few pages in. I'll post new art this week and we should be going to press in 4-5 weeks. Digital will be available at that time in order to hold you over until your print copy arrives!
February 2014:
A number of publishers have approached me in the new year inquiring about implementing Brigade into their publishing plans. I am considering a number of them as potential homes/partnerships for these books which would begin with Brigade.
This will be decided in the next few weeks, I'll let you know as it develops. The kickstarter funds would be applied to making Brigade #1 available for free with whatever publisher I partner with, they would transfer into the larger publishing plan if that course is decided.
March 2014:
As I've stated before, my original colorist fell out after completing half the issue. He was one of, if not my favorite colorist I had worked with and then he quit the business for special FX work/video game rendering. I sent out samples to many other colorist but they could not match the palettes, none if the subsequent pages matched the work I had done. A few months back, a new colorist emerged and as you will see, he is one of a kind and the re-coloring process has been amazing, they are the best my work has looked. He has fit the work in between his other assignments, making Brigade #1 look spectacular.
May 2014:
Brigade will be either be released during Las Vegas Con end of June or Comic Con in July. Those are the 2 dates I'm juggling. One or the other, printing specifics will determine. I'll keep you posted.
I'd hold off until September release if it was up to me but I can't keep you waiting that long. The reason for September would be to arrive 2 years after leaving interiors. Going away is a good thing for any artist. Cleanses the palette.
June 2014:
We are preparing to go to press in the next 2 weeks, hoping to have copies for comic con, if not a week or so after. Pricing out printers to stretch the backers $$$$$ the furthest has taken extra time but the more books printed at the best quality is worth it.
September 2014:
Look for survey's to go out in the next few days as this production wraps up.
October 2014:
Received 5 more colored pages and couldn't be more thrilled. From any artist perspective, watching the work be colored and completed is an absolute thrill. My colorist updated me and said that he would start on the final batch this weekend as there was repair work on his hard drive. We are separated by eighteen hours and communication is generally delayed a day upon receipt of messages. But the work shows up in my folder and it is as beautiful as anything I've seen.
December 2014:
Happy December 1st! I wanted to let you know that a fantastic publisher has signed on to publish Brigade. The first two issues will be released in the same month, the launch issue will be FREE and the 2nd issue will be standard comic price. You signed on to deliver FREE issues of Brigade and that is most certainly going to happen with the launch issue.
January 2015:
This post isn't to tell you how great Brigade looks or how well it reads, this post is to tell you that the book is now part of a publishing plan. I have compiled pages for the first few issues, in addition to preparing and drawing a companion book that connects with Brigade, realizing that everything I set out with your support has exceeded what I set out to accomplish. Solicitations are coming down the pike and the book is as close to being in your hands than ever before. I'm looking at conventions and store signings that I can schedule around the launch of the book.
March 2015:
On 1/22/15 I posted an update that Brigade would be published this summer by the 3rd biggest comic company, Image Comics. This has not changed. All is still a go, solicitations are being handed in and its part of an agressive summer event designed to enhance and energize the initiative. You will get your Free rewards package and retailers will be offered to partake in receiving Brigade #1 for FREE.
April 2015:
Brigade will be out this summer first and only to you backers for an exclusive 90 day window. This is fair as you all contributed to make it happen. The book is tied to several other Extreme comics, Brigade is the central title, one which will ship prior acts as a prequel, but the entire focus is on Brigade.
August 2015, after being hacked.
Brigade is in good shape, it is set to follow the release of Bloodstrike #3 but available only to you backers for 4 months. Bloodstrike and Brigade are connected but only one of them is a FREE comic via kickstarter.
Big multi million dollar films move dates, some by 10 months as Batman vs. Superman did this past year. They delayed in order to improve, because they need Batman vs. Superman to work. The wait sucks but the product is better.
October 2015
The book will ship out early November and you will have the only physical copies of Brigade until it is released as an event in 2016. Bloodstrike had to come first and Bloodstrike #1 is on high demand and completely sold out. Your copies and variants for Brigade #1 will be exclusive to you only for at least 7 months if not longer.
I'm happy to refund the money to the 6 supporters who have requested and will process all refunds when I've returned from my travels. I'm on the road until New York Comic Con concludes.
November 2015
So, I've done pretty much everything wrong with this kickstarter but one of the things I did right was ask writer Mat Nastos to script the book over my story. Mat works in television and I've enjoyed Mat's work on Phineas and Ferb, Liv and Maddie and my personal favorite, Spartacus! We met yesterday and finalized the scripts, word balloons are next and this will be at the printer by month's end and then rewards go out late November, early December.
February 2016
Brigade is as close to completion as it has been. Mat Nastos and I went over the last of the pages this past weekend. But because I have failed to deliver this in a timely fashion, I want to offer a refund of your pledge if you that is what you desire. T
April 2016, after another hack
I changed the ending to issue #1 to include some familiar characters. In the meantime, issue 2 is looking good and I'm inking over Marat Mychaels pencils for issue #3 which is complete. This is going to be bigger than originally imagined. You'll see why soon.
May 2016
Meeting with the new popular publisher this week. Necessary change as variant covers are part of the package and current publisher does not and will not allow for multiple variants.
July 2016
4 refunds were requested yesterday, if you did not receive your refund I'll send in the next 24 hours.
December 2016
I screwed up royally. Handled this poorly, and refunds are available as always. The book will ship following the announcements and will now carry a 25th anniversary banner which I feel is appropriate as there are so many exciting Extrehe/Image 25th anniversary projects coming your way in 2017.
And I'll be DOUBLING YOUR COMIC ORDER in your reward selection as a thank you for your patience and continued support.
March 2017
Every BRIGADE backer is receiving a FREE copy signed by myself. 28 new pages of amazing art and history. Thank you for your support!
June 2017
I added 2 pages, an informative spread, to Brigade which are being colored and then after my upcoming Vegas convention it will be going off to the printers. I'm hoping to have copies in 3-4 weeks. Certainly within that window. I've hired a fulfillment house to get the packages out. Other than some friends, no one will receive this book before you. It will be the most exclusive, exclusive for a period of time.
October 2017
It'll be right under the 25th anniversary mark of Image Comics but November is the date I'll be sending these out. The stock of this book will be heavy and of the nicest possible quality.
I had to turn to a new writer as my writer retired from comics and I wish him all the best.
I remain ridiculously proud and excited to share this with you. The road has been long, I literally had the book colored twice, now scripted twice and a slight tweak in the storyline, but, all for the best.
November 2017
We are in the middle of November and I am making color corrections and lettering changes. Final files off to the printer and a proof in the next few days. Depending on the schedule of printing and delivery I should be packing these shortly, within a week. 2017, 25th anniversary of Image still on track.
December 2017
Was sent these pics from the printer!
BRIGADE Chromium cover!! Pics speak for themselves. Guts to follow them fulfillment!
March 2018
Been dealing with a severe hack, affected all my biz. Running to catch up. Yes, even with two step authentication. It's a crazy world out there, seems I'm a frequent target. Book looks great, has tremendous meaning now.
May 2018
Brigade launch party – I have a date, firming up and getting it together.
August 2018
After all the wait, my final hurdle is waiting approval for a corporate logo from a media partner to be placed on all the covers. I've given it a few more days because, quite frankly, it's been this long, what's another few days and having the logo would be a huge boon.
The next round of refunds will go out shortly.
January 2019
The comic will be published by the time the convention season launches, I look forward to experiencing it with you, the long standing backer. I'm creating an original "I survived the Brigade Kickstarter" limited print as well. It will be only for the Kickstarter experience.
April 2019
So, I needed an extra beat to get a super special guest star put into BRIGADE! A light bulb went off as to how to create even more excitement and I pursued this unique arrangement! Also, Brigade will have by far the lowest print run of any of my modern work, far below the recently released Major X which has sold out everywhere!
May 2019
I'm awaiting final approval on 2 images for the Kickstarter Brigade Exclusive Cover as they feature guest characters that are now a part of this BRIGADE launch.
Why guest stars? Because I'm trying to make something that has become stale and sour onto something fresh and viable.
I'll be opening up the Kickstarter Brigade Exclusive covers for purchase only by YOU!
June 2019
Delayed cover uploading shortly. Book on track to become the single biggest and most important of my career. Period
July 2019
I have looked over the digital files going to press and as I upload this to the printer I honestly think the comic book marketplace is going to freak out over this comic when it arrives late summer!
With a $40 variant for New York Comic-Con, might that be the opportunity for Rob to give out those 50,000 copies of Brigade #1 for free? Or might the timeline have to stretch further? This does seem to be a more concrete date than Rob Liefeld has been able to give than before.
Cross fingers?