Hello BC readers, it’s been a while. I’ve been off working on comics (The Freeze Vol 1 trade from Image Comics/Top Cow is in stores now…) but after
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, dynamite, entertainment, flash gordon, King Features, rob liefeld, The Phantom
Rob Liefeld Covers Flash Gordon And The Phantom
- Dynamite has gotten Rob Liefeld to do up a set of covers for their King Features crossover event. These FOC (final order cutoff) incentive covers are on King: Flash Gordon #1 and King: The Phantom #1. Here are the covers and what your retailer has to do to get them. Let your LCS know soon if you want these particular covers.
o FOC Incentive A: For every five (5) units of NOV141191: KING FLASH GORDON #1 ordered/received, retailers will be eligible to purchase one (1) KING FLASH GORDON #1 RARE LIEFELD VIRGIN INCV edition at a net cost of $2.00 apiece, featuring artwork by Rob Liefeld.
o FOC Incentive B: For every five (5) units of NOV141209: KING THE PHANTOM #1 ordered/received, retailers will be eligible to purchase one (1) KING THE PHANTOM #1 RARE LIEFELD VIRGIN INCV edition at a net cost of $2.00 apiece, featuring artwork by Rob Liefeld.

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