Posted in: Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: dc, marvel, rob liefeld
Rob Liefeld Predicts the Collapse of DC Comics Soon
Superstar artist Rob Liefeld is the creator of Deadpool and Major X as well as the star of the internet sensation Rob Liefeld's Cameo Videos, and now he is predicting the death of DC Comics in the near future. Liefeld took to Twitter to predict that the company will "drive off a cliff real soon," an event for which Liefeld needs popcorn to observe.
The company has undergone sweeping changes of late, following a corporate panic after Batman Damned #1 exposed Batman's penis, leading to tighter controls on potentially controversial content that also contributed to the cancellation of Second Coming. Additionally, the company had recently been reported (by this website) to be shutting down longstanding prestige comics imprint Vertigo, and also recently pulled writer Tom King off of Batman, setting his run to end at issue #85 instead of #105 as King originally planned immediately after King announced that he would change Batman for a generation or more in the run. King will finish his story in a Batman/Catwoman 12-issue series, though whether the massive change to Batman will have the same impact, or even if it will remain in continuity, is unknown.
DC has also been making adjustments to its sales strategy lately, cutting back both on the collected editions they publish and the monthly comics they put out. The strategy on comics sales has seemingly paid off for DC, with the company neck-and-neck with Marvel in total units sold in the recent sales charts, though Marvel handily wins dollar share thanks to the high price of their comics. Units sold per title at DC easily beat the units sold per title at Marvel.
In any case, here's what Liefeld had to say about the general situation at the publisher on Twitter.
When superstar comic book writer and movie pitchman Mark Millar defended DC, Liefeld told him his opinion must be outdated.
Liefeld says he doesn't care if being honest about DC will damage his chances of working there.
And cites an advantage for comic fans if the company goes out of business.
He continued.
This isn't the first time Liefeld blasted DC on social media. After leaving the company in 2012, Liefeld complained of editorial incompetence and when the company was rumored to reboot in 2015 in what would eventually become DC Rebirth, Liefeld said the company didn't have the talent roster required to make it work. Is Liefeld's prediction this time on the money? Let us know in the comments.