Posted in: Comics, Digital | Tagged: apple, Comics, comixology, image, ios, matt fraction, sex criminals
Sex Criminals #2 Still Under Review At Apple
Earlier last year, a bunch of comics, including Saga #12, were not digitally distribute by ComiXology on Apple iOS devices. Then it was revealed that this was ComiXology's doings not Apple's. So they were all made available again. Until Apple actually looked at them and said they weren't. The Boys: Herogasm, Black Kiss, Sex, only Saga #12 survived, despite having a couple of panels depicting more explicit sex scenes than all of Herogasm.
And now the second issue of Sex Criminals has been delayed digitally, as it is "under review" at Apple. Writer Matt Fraction tweeted;
They were fine with the first issue it seems. And the second doesn't seem any more explicit. ComiXology have stated;
While Sex Criminals #2 is still under review at Apple, this fantastic follow up to Fraction and Zdarsky's hilarious debut will be available for purchase Wednesday(NOW) across the entire comiXology platform with the exception of iOS. So not only can you get it on, and subscribe from, and sync to your iOS device, you can also read via the Kindle and Google Play store! So don't let this little hiccup stop you from enjoying this great new series!
While Image have added their own workaround;
For those seeking SEX CRIMINALS #2 for a digital purchase on iOS devices via the Image Comics app or via Comixology, the issue is still "under review" with Apple, as the review the contents of the issue. Because of this, if you purchase your comics directly from one of those iOS apps, SEX CRIMINALS #2 is not available for sale there. But fear not! You've got options! You can purchase SEX CRIMINALS #2 (and every other fine Image Comics release) here on the Image Comics website, in a variety of formats, DRM-Free. Once you've downloaded the book, you can read it via iBooks or any PDF, CBR/CBX or ePub Reader of your choice. If you prefer to shop at Comixology, simply head over to their website where you can purchase SEX CRIMINALS #2 there and then sync it to your device. You've got options!
Matt Fraction adds;
Well, not until you warned them Matt…