Posted in: Comics | Tagged: bbc, Comics, doctor who, elizabeth sladen, entertainment, sara jane smit, titan, tom baker
Titan Comics To Launch A Fourth Doctor Who Comic Series
They publish ongoing series with the Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors. They are publishing mini-series with the Eighth and Ninth. Well, in March, Titan Comics takes a jump straight to the Fourth Doctor.
For many, many people, Tom Baker was their Doctor Who. He was the first to see his shows aired on PBS in the USA. And audiences in the UK rose to new heights and critical acclaim. He also has played the Doctor concurrently longer than any other actor, a full seven years onscreen.
And there's that scarf.
Well, he's being joined by Sarah Jane Smith in a new mini-series Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor announced by Titan PR to CBR.
Gaze Of The Medusa by Gordon Rennie, Emma Beeby and Brian Williamson is set in Victorian England:
A mysterious woman commands a hidden army in a house of the blind. Scryclops stalk the streets… and something alien and terrible screams from prehistory — with a hunger that cannot be satisfied!