New ThunderCat mercenary Scorpius previewed in ThunderCats: Lost #2
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, dan boultwood, london, sherlock holmes, times, tony lee
Tony Lee And Dan Boultwood's Baker Street Irregulars To See Print In The Times Of London
No one in the UK actually calls the newspaper The Times Of London, it's just The Times. But foreigners still like to. And it has a certain feeling of Victoriana about it.
Which is rather appropriate, as The Northern Children's Book Festival has just seen the announcement that The Baker Street Irregulars, their new graphic novel series set in no around the world of Sherlock Holmes will appear in The Times in January for a one page story… and an audience of around four hundred thousand.
I do hope they'll be on the case of those darned journalists hacking the electronic telegraph system…

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