Scott Snyder's plans for Absolute Batman, Absolute Dick Grayson and The Absolute Joker for DC Comics to come... (Spoilers)
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: 2000ad, Comics, complete zenith, grant morrison, steve yeowell, zenith
What Do You Do With Your Complete Zenith Now That The Individual Hardcovers Are Coming Out?
So you bought The Complete Zenith by Grant Morrison and Steve Yeowell for £100.
And now you discover that Rebellion are putting out a series of hardcovers for £20 each, totaling £80.
Do you scream to the heavens, rend your clothes in twain, swear off ever buying a Rebellion comic again and fall to the ground weeping?
Or… do you sell your hardcover now for $400 like this fellow did the other day? And be quids in?
I understand that Grant Morrison, as well as Steve Yeowell, has been sent a royalty cheque for the book. Whether he cashes it or not is another story…

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