Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, entertainment, renew your vows, Secret Wars, spider-man
What Is Up With Renew Your Vows #5?
This is the main cover to the Secret Wars spinoff title Renew Your Vows #5
For every 25 a comic store orders, they can order this Nick Bradshaw cover.
For every 100 copies, they can order this Joe Quesada variant featuring Stan Lee as the minister.
While for every 200 copies, they can order a sketch variant version.
What this means is that Marvel are specifically trying to get retailers to order huge amounts of this final issue of the series, while traditionally sales go don rather than up. Already a very popular book, this kind of promotion could see retailers order hundreds more than they would usually order. It signifies that Marvel may have something special planned.
Is it just an alternative Peter Parker and Mary Jane renewing their marriage vows? Or something more? Given the success of this comic, continuing it in some form might be useful. Could we get a Mary Jane Spider-Woman? Could we get a Hit Girl-styled new Spider-Girl with Annie? Could they form the basis of an upcoming Female Lead Spider-Man movie?
Something's up. This isn't business as usual…