Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, entertainment, image, image comics, todd the ugliest kid on earth
Where On Earth Is Todd The Ugliest Kid On Earth?
I reader asks about the status of the Image comic book Todd, The Ugliest Kid On Earth.
Love your work ! Just wondering if you know what's happened with Todd ? Great comic, a heap of buzz around it becoming a cartoon (not always a good thing apart from $$$ for the creators of course and back issue prices but will it get compromised in translation ?) and now zip. Nothing. Silence. Are Ken and M.K just concentrating on the tv thing or has it died altogether ? Any thoughts would be welcomed as it's a great comic. Anyway thanks and keep up the good work.
So I asked co-creator Ken Kristensen for the latest status. He told me
(I love your work too) — Thanks for reaching out. We are hard at work on the development of the TODD TV show and will have more news on that soon. MK Perker is moving from Istanbul to Los Angeles imminently.
As for the book: The scripts for issues 9-14 are written — Todd wants to join the Boy Scouts, but his parents won't pay for the uniforms, so…. he ends up joining Joseph Kony's child army by mistake (the uniforms are free). During this six-issue arc look forward to appearances by George Clooney and Sean Penn, as well as every terrorist group, including the Central Park Conservancy and the AARP (Todd's grandfather shows up).
Mr. Perker and his lovely wife have recently brought a baby into this world — her name is Leyla and she is far from the ugliest kid on earth. I am the godfather. Babies equal shattered deadlines, so we are waiting till we have more of a running start before soliciting issue #9.
Next year can't come soon enough for Todd lovers everywhere….