Posted in: Comics | Tagged: clickbait, Comics, dc, Doc Shaner, Mitch Gerads, strange adventures, Tom King
Why Mitch Gerads Deletes Doc Shaner's Parts from Tom King's Scripts
Greetings, comrades! It is I, your El Presidente, reporting to you live from underneath the bed of West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, where I have spent the last several weeks quietly whispering to him all night long while he sleeps, "abolish the filibuster, comrade." One of these days the message will get through. But Manchin has gone to work for the day, so I am currently wearing his bathrobe and soaking my feet in his bathtub while I write to you about the latest tweets from superstar comic book creators Mitch Gerads and Tom King, who, along with Doc Shaner, are the creative team behind the DC Comics maxi-series Strange Adventures.
Now, my friends, you know that I have a long and complicated history with the American CIA due to all the times they have tried to arm my political opponents and overthrow my regime, so I am wary of any imperialist propaganda or mind control techniques that may or may not be contained in Tom King comics. But one of the superstar comic book writer and trained CIA killing machine's biggest fans is also one of his greatest collaborators. Mitch Gerads took to Twitter on Wednesday to put over his colleague and express how excited he is to read Strange Adventures, a comic for which Gerads is one of the artists.
"The only series I'm completely caught up on is Strange Adventures," said Gerads when asked if he reads his own comics. "A lot of creators think it isn't cool to like your work, but I love my work! I'm crazy proud of every @TomKingTK book I've ever done!"
"— also I do not read the @DocShaner pages till I get my comps, so reading STRANGE ADVENTURES is an extra awesome experience!" Gerads continued. "*I do see them as we're making the issue, but the first thing I do is delete all the Doc panels from @TomKingTK's script before I start."
That's actually a lot of restraint shown by Shaner. If it were me, comrades, I would probably delete Tom King's parts too, just to be safe. You can never be too careful, comrades. Did King and the American CIA hide nanobot cameras in the envelope the script came in? Are the pages laced with LSD and the words triggers to unlock deeply-embedded training in Gerads' subconscious? I'm not saying there is any evidence these things are happening, comrades… but show me the evidence that they aren't! Haw haw haw haw haw!
King, for his part, is playing it coyly. "I knew he read my stuff!" tweeted King. "Yes!"
The next issue of Strange Adventures is in stores on March 30th. Hopefully, someone put all of Shaner's parts back in the script before it was drawn. Until next time, my friends: socialism or death.
written by TOM KING
variant cover by EVAN "DOC" SHANER
ON SALE 3/30/21
$4.99 US | 40 PAGES | 9 OF 12 | FC
The Pykkts are attacking Earth. As the only warrior in all the cosmos to ever defeat them, Adam Strange leads the planet's mightiest heroes in all-out war! The only thing is, evidence is mounting that Adam's victory on Rann may not have been everything he says it was. There is time unaccounted for, circumstances left unexplained. Even Batman has started to wonder about his friend. Sure, they are fighting side by side right now, but who will answer for all the things that got them here? Why, Alanna Strange, of course! It's time for the Rannian princess to go out and set the record straight. The hit series continues on a bimonthly schedule.