Posted in: Games, NYCC, Video Games | Tagged: Bandai Namco, entertainment, games, NYCC, nycc 2016, Sword Art Online, video games
Bandai-Namco "Please Buy Our Stuff"
Madeline Ricchiuto writes for Bleeding Cool…
Bandai Namco brought Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization, Tales of Beseria, and Digimon World: Next Order to NYCC this year with producers Kazumasa Habu, Yushiro Fukaya, and Yosuke Futami.
Habu-san, Futami-san, and Fukaya-San represented Banda Namco in a sales pitch disguised as a panel. They did raffle off items, at least.
Habu-san introduced Digimon World: Next Order which is the latest Digimon game. Habu-san showed footage of the game, that looks very Bandai- all bright colors, last-gen graphics, and vaguely "techno" backgrounds. The game is a "powered up version" of the first Digimon World, and will launch on PS4. The Digimon will have limited lifetimes that are determined by how you raise them. If you raise them wrong, they will reject your orders. It is an RPG focused on raising Digimon. The game balance has been adjusted so players can play longer with their 130+ Digimon and seasonal events, which will be "enough to satisfy Digimon fans."
Fukaya-san showed off the opening movie for Tales of Berseria, an anime-style opener featuring a J-Rock soundtrack and dramatic closeups of the characters. Berseria will be out in January 24, 2017 on PS4, January 27 on Steam. Game footage included a cutscene and boss battle with stilted dialogue, flashy moves, and custom combos. Berseria switches almost seamlessly between cutscenes and battle gameplay, including a new battle system that features a "Break Soul" special move based on each character's personality. There will also be a 10000 unit Collector's Edition including a prequel novel, 8-bit keychains and two mini-figures for $149.99. You can pre-order it today at Gamestop, the Bandai website, and the Bandai booth. If you're into that sort of thing.
Tales of Link and Sword Art Online will have a collaboration coming soon.
Futami-san has apparently been mistaken for Hideo Kojima at NYCC so far. Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization will have three new systems. The first is a new skill system allowing for further customization. The second allows you to create a "skill pod" by chaining attacks for further buffs. The third allows you to go on virtual dates with your girlfriend, Asuna, in the social areas of the game. You can dress her up, carry her, or virtually cheat on her with all of your supporting cast, which is a hilarious representation of her character assassination in Season 2.
Yuuki and Kizmel will join Hollow Realization. Yuuki will indeed be alive in-game. Kizmel comes from one of the novels and is a dark elf character. Mysterious NPC is not Premiere. Hollow Realization will be available in the US November 8, 2016.
Sword Art Online: Memory Defrag will be a SAO mobile game available soon. Pre-registrations will enter players to win Hollow Realization and Hollow Realization's Collector's Edition. Or you can buy it. If you like that kinda thing.
The Sword Art Online movie will come to America early Spring 2017.
Ultimately, there was nothin major coming out of this panel, just a lot of product plugs. Not surprising, just kind of lame. At least they trotted some of the developers out to New York, even if it felt to be for
one expensive marketing ploy.