Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: Bruxish, festival of colors, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go
Bruxish Arrives In Pokémon GO For Festival Of Colors 2023
Bruxish and Mega Medicham arrive next week in Pokémon GO for Festival of Colors 2023, the first event of the new Season of Rising Heroes.
Niantic Labs has announced the first big event of the Season of Rising Heroes in Pokémon GO. The Festival of Colors 2023 Event will feature the release of Mega Medicham in Mega Raids and Bruxish in both the wild and Tier One raids. The event is themed to Pokémon with different appearances, including Oricorio, Exeggutor, Burmy, and Oricorio. During the event, there will also be useful bonuses like extended Lure Modules and extended bonuses like colorful Poké Stops. Let's get into the details.
Here are the full details for the Pokémon GO Festival of Colors 2023 Event:
- Date and time: Wednesday, March 8, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. to Tuesday, March 14, 2023, at 8:00 p.m. local time.
- New content:
- Mega Medicham releases in Mega raids, which unlocks Shiny Medicham encounters
- Bruxish will be available for the first time in Pokémon GO
- Wild spawns: Paras, Krabby, Koffing, Natu, Wobbuffet, Shuckle, Wingull, Plant Cloak Burmy, Sand Cloak Burmy, Trash Cloak Burmy, Stunky, and Bruxish. Lickitung and Galarian Zigzagoon will be rare encounters.
- 7 KM Gift Eggs: No event Eggs will be featured.
- Field Research Encounters: Alolan Grimer, Castform, Sunny Form Castform, Rainy Form Castform, Snow Form Castform, Plant Cloak Burmy, Sand Cloak Burmy, Trash Cloak Burmy, and Oricorio. The Oricorio that you encounter will be based on where they are caught and will include Baile Style, Pom-Pom Style, Pa'u Style, and Sensu Style.
- Raids:
- Tier One: Espurr, Rockruff, Mareanie, Bruxish
- Tier Three: Exeggutor, Alolan Exeggutor, Cryogonal, Druddigon
- Tier Five: Ho-Oh
- Mega Raids: Mega Medicham
- Event bonus:
- Niantic notes: "Keep an eye out! Trainers will find a colorful surprise around PokéStops as they walk close to them."
- Three-hour Lure Modules
- Friendships will increase at double the speed
- Taking Snapshots will lead to a GO Snapshot photobomb encounter
- A Festival of Colors Collection Challenge will lead to a Lure Module and a 20,000 XP drop