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Complete Incarnate Forme Tornadus Raid Rotation In Pokémon GO
Therian Forme Tornadus has taken over Legendary Raids in Pokémon GO. It has brought with it a raid rotation mostly of Pokémon that can be used as counters against it… (though that isn't advisable with all of the species.) This rotation will be the base rotation for Tornadus's stay, and will be overwritten with new rotations during special events, only to return once those events are over until Therian Forme Landorus takes over halfway through April.
Here is the complete Therian Forme Tornadus raid rotation in Pokémon GO:
Tier One
- Klink – Shiny available, boosted rate
- Roggenrola – Shiny available, standard rate
- Shinx – Shiny available, boosted rate
- Tynamo
- Voltorb – Shiny available, standard rate
This is every bit a basic raid rotation. My advice is to only go after Pokémon like Roggenrola if you need Candy. Do not raid these full odds Pokémon in order to catch their Shinies. The chances of this happening is as likely in a raid as it is in the wild. Shiny rates do not change with the form of the encounter. Rather, they are locked to certain species. Shinx and Klink are Egg/Raid-only species with an increased Shiny rate, which makes them a better target for Shiny hunters.
Tier Three
- Aerodactyl – Shiny available, boosted rate
- Aggron
- Drifblim
- Magneton
- Tranquil
Same as above, but with Aerodactyl as the boosted Shiny. However, do note that raiding evolves species for Candy will yield more Candy than unevolved species. If you are, for example, preparing an Aggron to max out for when Mega Aggron is released, using a Pinap Berry on Aggron here can yield 20 Aggron Candy. Worthy of a pass? Depending on what your goals are, it just may be.
Then, the raid rotation concludes with:
Tier Five
- Therian Forme Tornadus
Mega Raids
- Mega Abomasnow – Shiny available, standard Mega rate of approximately one in 60
- Mega Houndoom – Shiny available, standard Mega rate of approximately one in 60
- Mega Manectric – Shiny available, standard Mega rate of approximately one in 60
There will be a shift in Mega Raids shortly, with Mega Lopunny joining the rotation on Sunday. The Mega Raid slate should always be seen as separate from the standard raid rotation in Pokémon GO.