Posted in: Behaviour Interactive, Dead by Daylight, Games, Video Games | Tagged: dead by daylight
Dead By Daylight Announces New Quality-Of-Life Roadmap
The developers behind Dead By Daylight have confimed the game will be getting some Quality Of Life updates in a new roadmap
Article Summary
- Dead By Daylight's new roadmap focuses on Quality Of Life updates for 2025.
- New Surrender feature aims to reduce player frustration in tough scenarios.
- Map Offerings will have a 20% chance rate instead of guaranteed selection.
- Bulk Bloodpoint Spending and Quest System overhaul promise less grind.
Behaviour Interactive announced several improvements will be coming to Dead by Daylight in 2025, as they revealed a new Quality-Of-Life Roadmap. The team released several notes today, along with the developer video you see above, going over many of the changes that will give the game some new life as well as enhance what's already here. The first of which will start in April 2025 and carry all the way into December. You can read more below.
Dead By Daylight – 2025 Roadmap
Surrender State
The team has been working on a Surrender feature, which should limit player frustration on both sides. To get it right, we first needed to identify the situations where its use would be most appropriate, leading us to two scenarios:
- All remaining Survivors have been slugged (Survivor)
- All remaining Survivors are bots (Killer)
Once these instances occur, players will be able to use the Surrender option, ending the Trial while retaining the Bloodpoints they've earned and escaping the Disconnect Penalty.
Gamma Adjustments
Dead by Daylight can get a little dark – not just thematically — and sometimes excessive darkness can hinder playability. We're introducing the ability to adjust Gamma settings on all platforms, allowing you to find a sweet spot without sacrificing the intended artistic direction.
"Go-Next" Prevention
The "Go-Next" expression refers to instances where a Survivor deliberately does everything in their power to quickly go to their next game – including walking up to the Killer and standing still, running to a Hook and repeatedly pointing at it, or most commonly, intentionally failing Skill Checks while on Hook. To disincentivize and properly penalize this behavior, we'll be implementing measures that will help us identify when a player is attempting to "Go Next." Once identified, they'll receive a Disconnection Penalty Point and lose an entire Grade.
We'll be keeping a close eye on this system to ensure its accuracy, but we're confident that that this will help alleviate the issue. On the other hand, we'd like to reward players who stick it out through those challenging matches, even when things take a dire turn. We'll be moving forward with a new Emblem-based multiplier that grants additional Bloodpoints during your following match, with the bonus stacking over consecutive Trials.
Extreme Hiding & Body Blocking Prevention
"Extreme Hiding" refers to Survivors drawing out an unwinnable match by ignoring their objective and waiting out the clock. To combat this, we're changing the way AFK Crows operate, so they can more accurately identify when a player is deliberately avoiding engagement with their gameplay objective. Once a player receives Crows, their location will be immediately revealed to the Killer. We'll also be incorporating a feature that allows players to lose collision after receiving a third AFK Crow, which should prevent instances of Body-Block related griefing.
Map Offerings
We recognize that Dead by Daylight Map Offerings are a bit divisive; some players enjoy them, while others feel they can grant an unfair advantage. The fact that they automatically bypass both the Map and Realm repetition system can also add to that frustration. Moving forward, Map Offerings will no longer guarantee the appearance of a given Map, but rather increase its chances by 20%. Note that they will not stack. We're also looking to make it so Map Offerings, as well as several other types of Offerings, will remain a secret during load-in – that way, your decision to remain in the match will not be swayed by external factors.
Spawn Rules
Survivor spawn placements can have a significant impact on a Trial's outcome, an observation that has been repeatedly recognized by our community. It's become clear that Survivors spawning separately, and thereby covering more ground, allows them to gain a notable advantage in completing their objective. We're changing the default Survivor Spawn rules to ensure that each Survivor will spawn within 12 meters of one another, on the same floor (if applicable). To accomodate for this change, Shroud Offerings will be adjusted accordingly.
Improved AFK Bot Detection
Players that use AFK Bots can be frustrating to have in your Trial, and we're working on improvements to our detection systems so that we can quickly identify and penalize them accordingly.
Bulk Bloodpoint Spending
To speed up general Bloodweb activity, we're adding a button that will allow you to spend Bloodpoints in bulk.
Dead by Daylight Quest System
Previously announced last year, the Quest system is part of a larger update to The Archives and Rifts, so expect more information in an article specifically dedicated to that. For now, know that we will be reworking the Challenge system (as well as Daily Rituals) to reduce the grind, make it easier to earn rewards, and increase the overall level of fun.
Perk Loadouts & Preview
After a successful round of A/B testing, we'll be allowing players to see their own Perk loadouts while in a lobby, as well as adding additional Perk loadout slots.