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Dragon Ball Super Previews Realm Of The Gods: Super Saiyan Videl!?
Bandai has started to show off cards from the next official The Dragon Ball Super Card Game expansion. The March 2022 set is the sixteenth main set and the seventh expansion under the Unison Warrior Series banner. The set, titled Realm of the Gods (with its full name being Unison Warrior Series BOOST – Realm of the Gods) focuses on the deities of Akira Toriyama's universe. Confirmed focuses of the set include the Tournament of Power, the Champa Saga, the Future Trunks Saga, and Xenoverse material including Trunks Xeno and Mechikabura. As Dragon Ball Super Card Game debuts artwork from this upcoming set, Bleeding Cool will offer a look into the upcoming cards from a collector's perspective.
If you grew up as a Dragon Ball Z fan, you've met one of those fans. There was always someone at school who claimed that there was some official storyline where a character like Piccolo or Krillin went Super Saiyan. Early internet days when searching for information took a long time really emboldened people, huh? Dragon Ball Super poked fun at this concept by having Mr. Satan appear as a Super Saiyan in his own retelling of the Beerus battle bit it was, of course, for humor. Non-Saiyans can't go Super Saiyan — it's right there in the name.
Except Videl kinda did. Not really. But kinda.
The above Realm of the Gods card shows a memorable moment from the Battle of the Gods Saga where the the group needed to perform the ritual that would turn Goku into a Super Saiyan God. They were one Saiyan short… which was fixed when Videl told the crew that she was pregnant with Gohan's daughter, Pan, a quarter-Saiyan. During the ritual, all of the Saiyans went into their Super Saiyan modes… and Videl, with Pan inside of her, marveled the audience as her hair turned golden for a brief moment. Could this be an indication that we aren't too far from seeing Pan herself achieve Super Saiyan once she's a bit older?
Stay tuned for more previews of Dragon Ball Super Card Game: Unison Warrior Series BOOST – Realm of the Gods. You can follow this series by clicking the Realm of the Gods tag right here.