Posted in: Card Games, Dragon Ball Super, Games, Tabletop | Tagged: DBSCG, dragon ball, Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball Super Card Game, Ultimate Squad
Dragon Ball Super Previews Ultimate Squad: Galactic Explorers SR
Bandai has started to show off cards from the next official Dragon Ball Super Card Game expansion. This June 2022 set is the seventeenth main set and is notably also the eighth and final expansion under the Unison Warrior Series banner. The set, titled Ultimate Squad (with its full name being Unison Warrior Series BOOST – Ultimate Squad) focuses on the upcoming movie Super Hero, the space-travel adventures of early Dragon Ball GT with a de-aged Goku, the Cooler movies, and the Red Ribbon Army. As Dragon Ball Super Card Game debuts artwork from this upcoming set, Bleeding Cool will offer a look into the upcoming cards from a collector's perspective.
One thing that GT didn't do as well as Z and Super was transformations. Sure, they have the iconic Super Saiyan 4 form that the Dragon Ball Super Card Game gets a lot of mileage out of, but GT also rarely used Super Saiyan 2. This came to mind when looking at this card, the first SR (Super Rare) that we've seen in this set, because Trunks' hair in his normal Super Saiyan form looks so much like Super Saiyan 2. It's a shame that we really only saw Goku and Vegeta advance down the path of power in GT, as one of the most interesting aspects of Super has been the development of new paths of power. We see Saiyans attain God Ki and split from the Super Saiyan path, with Goku and Vegeta splitting once more with Goku striving for Ultra Instinct and Vegeta striving for Ultra Ego. Then, we see Gohan continue to train in his Ultimate/Mystic form with Piccolo set to obtain a new form in the upcoming Super Hero movie. Trunks himself seemingly unlocked a unique Saiyan transformation in the anime with Super Saiyan Rage, though very little is known abut the cause and purpose of this form.
Are you excited for the final Unison Warrior Series set? Stay tuned for more previews of Dragon Ball Super Card Game: Unison Warrior Series BOOST – Ultimate Squad. You can follow this series by clicking the Ultimate Squad tag right here.