Posted in: Card Games, Dragon Ball Super, Games, Tabletop | Tagged: DBSCG, dragon ball, Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball Super Card Game, Ultimate Squad
Dragon Ball Super Previews Ultimate Squad: GT Trunks
Bandai has started to show off cards from the next official Dragon Ball Super Card Game expansion. This June 2022 set is the seventeenth main set and is notably also the eighth and final expansion under the Unison Warrior Series banner. The set, titled Ultimate Squad (with its full name being Unison Warrior Series BOOST – Ultimate Squad) focuses on the upcoming movie Super Hero, the space-travel adventures of early Dragon Ball GT with a de-aged Goku, the Cooler movies, and the Red Ribbon Army. As Dragon Ball Super Card Game debuts artwork from this upcoming set, Bleeding Cool will offer a look into the upcoming cards from a collector's perspective.
And here is Trunks! Dragon Ball GT had many missteps early on. Turning Goku into a kid again? There were some good moments, yes, and the idea of capturing the spirit of early Dragon Ball is fine, but also… no. Turning Pan, the daughter of one of Earth's most powerful fighters, into nothing but a damsel in distress is almost as disrespectful as what was done to Gohan himself. Then, we have Trunks. He was set up as the scrappier of the two youngest Saiyans during the Buu Saga, which made sense considering the badass nature of Future Trunks. Now, GT ages Trunks up to around the age that Future Trunks was… and they dress him up like an SNL-skit Indiana Jones. You can't really make a Super Saiyan look bad, as evidenced in the SS Trunks, Soaring Through Space card, but GT really gave Trunks fans a lot to be upset about that Super is already correcting.
Are you excited for the final Unison Warrior Series set? Stay tuned for more previews of Dragon Ball Super Card Game: Unison Warrior Series BOOST – Ultimate Squad. You can follow this series by clicking the Ultimate Squad tag right here.