Posted in: Daybreak Games, Games, Video Games | Tagged: d&d, Dungeons & Dragons Online, Standing Stone Games
Dungeons & Dragons Online Reveals Vecna Unleashed Mini-Expansion
Dungeons & Dragons Online has revealed a new mini-expansion called Vecna Unleashed, which is available for pre-order right now.
Daybreak Games and Standing Stone Games revealed a new mini-expansion up for Dungeons & Dragons Online, as Vecna Unleashed is up for pre-order. The expansion brings with it a new story that will take you to some of the lesser-seen planes of existence, as well as providing new monsters to fight, a new Sentient Jewel, a new Monster Manual, and more. Plus, the ability to get different versions of the game for cheaper than expected for a limited time. The content will be released on August 16th, but for now, here's the proper introduction from the team and the latest trailer for the expansion.
"High amongst Sharn, The City of Towers, something sinister is afoot in the halls of Morgrave University. The Codex of the Infinite Planes has escaped to the academy, and with it comes the dark presence of Vecna and his cult. Now with the university's vast collection of rare and powerful artifacts under their control, the destiny of not just Sharn but the entire Eberron plane hangs in the balance. Do you have what it takes to stop Vecna before he claims your universe for his own? Prepare to explore new areas, face perilous enemies, and uncover dark secrets in Vecna Unleashed! Unleash the power of the Macrotechnic with a new Epic Destiny, battle powerful creatures that have been unleashed amongst the halls, and experience new dungeons that will push you and your group to the limit!"
- New Adventures in Sharn, the Plane of Water, the Abyss, and the Astral Plane: Venture into Morgrave University, the grandest institution of Sharn, now overrun with cultists and corrupted by the influence of The Codex of the Infinite Planes.
- New Monsters: Fight new monsters like the humanoid rodent Wererats and abyssal demonic Vrocks. Defeat minions of Vecna and face off with a malevolent Balor.
- New Epic Destiny: The Machrotechnic Epic Destiny offers strong defensive abilities as well as boosts to Electric, Sonic, and Repair spellcasting! It also boosts Rune Arm use, empowering Artificers, and opens up the use of Rune Arms to characters who are not Artificers for the first time!
- New Dungeons & Dragons Online Monster Manual: Discover new information about monsters, new and old and earn rewards as you do! Monster Manual Volume 9 includes 10 creatures: Mimics, Hyenas, Owlbears, Ravens, Magefire Cannons, Fire Giants, Eladrins, Fire Reavers, Quells, and Wheeps. Earn XP and Mysterious Remnants, and track all types of each creature as you encounter and defeat them.
- Permanent Wererat Hireling: Enlist a permanent Wererat Hireling to join your team! Obtainable in both the Collectors and Ultimate editions of Vecna Unleashed. The Collector's Wererat assists at Heroic level 7, while the Ultimate Fan Bundle Wererat supports at Legendary level 30.
- New Sentient Jewel: Infuse your sentient weapon with a Vaunt Arcane Assistant 2.0 sentient jewel! Created to be hyper-analytical, researchers have tried to make it adept at delivering unfavorable news in the most positive tone. How Fun!