Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: Final Fantasy XII, Final Fantasy XIV, Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood, Patch 4.1, Square Enix
Final Fantasy XIV's Patch 4.1 Is Live And Lets You Return To Ivalice
Square Enix invites all Warriors of Light to take the journey to Ivalice in Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood Patch 4.1: The Legend Returns. The highly anticipated new story arc and alliance raid will send players to the ruins of the Royal City of Rabanastre as they learn more about the Majestic Imperial Theater Company and unravel the mysteries of the legend of Ivalice. It'll be nice to have full Alliance raids back, as many players have missed them, since the first group of Omega raids were somewhat more easy than we'd expected. At least on the regular difficulty, anyhow. Alliance raids, because they don't come in Savage editions, have always been trickier and required a bit more coordination, while also being nothing but sheer chaos. Who doesn't love that?
And because we're returning to Rabanastre and Ivalice, you know you'll want to be up on your FFXII lore for this one. Good thing we just got the HD remaster of Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age a few months back.
However, the most anticipated update coming with Patch 4.1 was the Shirogane housing area. I say was, because within minutes (seconds in some cases) of Patch 4.1 going live at 3am PST this morning, nearly all of the housing spots were picked up on even the more quiet servers. However, there may still be apartments up for grabs? I may just be bitter from getting my own housing dreams crushed at about 6:01 this morning, but a small apartment doesn't quite make up for the property loss.
The Legend Returns also introduces many new quests, battles and other content updates, including:
- Main Scenario Quests – The liberation of Ala Mhigo by the resistance signals the end of an era of tyranny. Lyse and her people now must decide how to greet their future, as Raubahn also faces important decisions of his own.
- New 24-Player Alliance Raid Series – Return to Ivalice – Renowned game designer Yasumi Matsuno (FINAL FANTASY XII / FINAL FANTASY Tactics) and Keita Amemiya—creator of the Garo television and film series, from which the Patch 3.5 PvP gear, weapons, and mount designs originated—lend their talents as guest creators in this thrilling new raid series and story.
- New High-Level Dungeon – Players can delve into the depths of The Drowned City of Skalla, the submerged ruins of a city destroyed by war and filled with promises of treasure and unsolved mysteries of years past.
- The Minstrel's Ballad: Shinryu's Domain – Shinryu beckons players to the battlefield once again in a new trial battle that poses an even greater challenge than the original encounter with this fearsome foe.
- New Side Quests – A new chapter in the fan-favorite Hildibrand adventures series arrives, in which Nashu Mhakaracca sets forth in search of her mentor in the Far East.
- Adventurer Squadrons – Players may explore a number of dungeons in solo play by forming a party with their adventurer squadron members. Players can issue commands to squadron members, who will also grow stronger as they hone their skills during these adventures.
- Kojin Beast Tribe Quests – Assist the Blue Kojin in creating their own treasure vault to store their gathered treasures and honor the divine, earning new rewards as you further relationships with this beast tribe.
- New Custom Deliveries – Disciples of the Hand and Land can turn in crafted and gathered items each week to M'naago to help further her cause while learning more about the Resistance Widows and Orphans Fund.
You can find the full patch notes here. Some 4.1 screenshots and the official trailer are below.