Posted in: Games, Mantic, Miniatures | Tagged: Frogs with Swords, Kings of War, Kings of War: Vanguard, Trident Realm
"Kings of War: Vanguard" Unleashes the Might of the Trident Realm
Mantic Games released Kings of War: Vanguard close to a year ago, with a good amount of the factions available in the book already released for players to get going on the table-top. Additional releases brought the forces of the Northern Alliance into play, as well as additional otherworldly power for the Abyssal faction. But one faction has been missing a good chunk of their potential troops: The Trident Realm.
The kingdoms of the Trident Realm are proud and territorial, and can commit to violence with little provocation. The lord of any land-bound territory would be wise to treat their inlets and coasts cautiously, lest they stir the fierce Neriticans who claim them as their own. When the Trident Realm stirs the very seas boil –storms rage, waves crash upon coastlines and the tides rise only to retreat, revealing the Neritican host, water cascading off shells and armour, and ready for war.
The older Trident Realm figures from Mantic for Kings of War are a little on the clunky side, with big, heavy armored troops lugging around harpoon guns and tridents. But the new figures that are coming out for Vanguard have some octopus dudes that I'm absolutely loving, and a heavy cavalry unit that might be my favorite miniature from Mantic yet, the Riverguard Dambuster:
When the rivers under the protection of the Trident Realm are encroached upon by humans, dwarfs, or elves, the Riverguard deploy their heavy cavalry. These giant amphibians are tremendously strong; able to leap over dam walls and lay waste to these constructions and their defenders with ease.
There is also the new Placoderm Defender, a mighty fish-man warrior with built in armor. Then there's the Riverguard Sentinel, a frog warrior who leads other frog warriors into battle. there is also a Water Elemental, which makes sense for a water-based warband.
The big bruiser unit for the Trident Realm is the Giga, a giant, crab-like monster that isn't taking any guff from anyone. The Giga has plenty of armor, and a fearsome claw attack.
The Trident Realm warband figures are available now to order from your favorite game store, or from Mantic directly!