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NBA 2K21 Gets A New Trailer Despite Being Behind Schedule

2K Games has released a new trailer for NBA 2K21, even though the game still has yet to see a release date for 2020. The new trailer gives gamers a look at what the game will look like on the current set of platforms, which includes PS4, Xbox One, and PC. While it acknowledges the impact COVID-19 had on the game this year, it also does its best to feature many of the high-profile players around the league and give almost every team a moment to shine. But while that's going on, it's also the only thing going on. Usually, when we hit the month of August, not only dow e have a release date but we have a far better idea of all of the modes in the game. We literally should be getting bombarded with info about what NBA2K21 has to offer in every which was so you want to buy it. But that's not happening this year.

Why haven't we seen more of NBA 2K21 by now? Courtesy of 2K Games.
Why haven't we seen more of NBA 2K21 by now? Courtesy of 2K Games.

In a new report by Forbes, the word has leaked out that the game is pretty much behind schedule on all fronts, despite an AMA from gameplay producer Mike Wang saying they're working with all the necessary tools for several weeks to make the game happen. Some have speculated that COVID-19 has played a significant role in what is essentially an unannounced delay at this point. The fact that we haven't seen more info released, a lack of longer teaser trailers, and lack of activity from 2K Games itself to promote the game beyond the idea that it's coming out in "2020", has put a number of people on alert. All things considered, don't be shocked if 2K announces a formal delay to NBA 2K21 by month's end. If they do pull it off, awesome! But if the reports coming out are true, you might wanna hold your expectations for a moment.

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Gavin SheehanAbout Gavin Sheehan

Gavin is the current Games Editor for Bleeding Cool. He has been a lifelong geek who can chat with you about comics, television, video games, and even pro wrestling. He can also teach you how to play Star Trek chess, be your Mercy on Overwatch, recommend random cool music, and goes rogue in D&D. He also enjoys hundreds of other geeky things that can't be covered in a single paragraph. Follow @TheGavinSheehan on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Vero, for random pictures and musings.
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