Scopely is about to take over one of the biggest mobile developers on the planet with the acquisition of Niantic Games, announced today
Posted in: Games, Nintendo, Video Games | Tagged: DLC, Fire Emblem Warriors, koei tecmo, nintendo
Nintendo Releases New Details On 'Fire Emblem Warriors' DLC
We're less than a month away from Fire Emblem Warriors hitting the Nintendo Switch and 3DS, but today, Nintendo revealed their plans for DLC releases that will carry into the next six months. Below are the complete details of all the packs and the season pass, but essentially, the game is going to be packed full of new content with players being given the option for a season pass to get everything at once for $20 when the game is released on October 20th, or get just the ones they want for $9 a piece.
- Season Pass (Oct. 20, $19.99): The Fire Emblem Warriors Season Pass includes all three DLC packs, which become available as they release. Each DLC pack is filled with new playable characters and weapons. By purchasing the Season Pass for either the Nintendo Switch or New Nintendo 3DS version, players will receive a bridal costume for Lucina.
- DLC Pack #1 (Dec 2017, $8.99): The content in this pack is inspired by Fire Emblem Fates.
- DLC Pack #2 (Feb 2018, $8.99): Many of the characters and items in this DLC pack hail from Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon.
- DLC Pack #3 (March 2018, $8.99): Fans of Fire Emblem Awakening will love this DLC, as much of the content is themed after the classic game.

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