Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: pokemon, ultra unlock
Pokémon GO Is Disguising Regular Events As Ultra Unlock 2024
What happened to Ultra Unlock? Niantic has rolled out details for the second event, Strength of Steel, which is yet another standard event.
Article Summary
- Ultra Unlock's second event in Pokémon GO lacks new species but introduces Shiny Togedemaru.
- Strength of Steel event runs July 25-30, featuring increased Candy XL and 3× Stardust.
- Raid highlights include Shiny-capable Skarmory, Klink, and Pawniard, a rare 12 KM egg spawn.
- Complete Field Research and Timed Research for Steel-type encounters and special rewards.
The second of three Ultra Unlock events has been announced in Pokémon GO and I'm left wondering what happened to this highly anticipated event. Ultra Unlock has always been a special series event earned by Pokémon GO Trainers that brings excitement to the game with special events in the weeks following GO Fest. Last year's Ultra Unlock introduced Paldea to the game, skipping Alola and adding a sense of dynamic releases to the game. 2022 saw the release of Tyrunt, Amaura, a ton of Hisuian Pokémon, and featured new Shiny Fossils in Eggs for the first time, encouraging hatching. 2021 saw the release of the Shiny Galarians, the long-awaited drop of Shiny Palkia and Shiny Dialga, and much more. This year? The first part released Tandemaus, and that's pretty much it. The second part? Take a look before, but be prepared: this is every bit a standard to a middling event. Ultra Unlock, as we knew it, might be a thing of the past.
Here's what's happening for the Ultra Unlock: Strength of Steel event in Pokémon GO:
- Date and time: Thursday, July 25, at 10:00 a.m. to Tuesday, July 30, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. local time
- New Pokémon: There are no new species coming in this event.
- Shiny release: Togedemaru gets it Shiny release. It can be found in the wild, in ticketed Timed Research, in Tier One Raids, and through Field Research.
- Wild Spawns: Alolan Sandshrew, Magnemite, Pineco, Nosepass, Aron, Beldum, Bronzor, Ferroseed, Galarian Stunfisk, Togedemaru. Rare spawns include Onix, Scyther, Skarmory, and Klink. All of the above species can be encountered in their Shiny form.
- Event bonuses:
- Additional Candy XL for successfully catching Pokémon for Trainers level 31 and up.
- Increased chance for Trainers level 31 and up to receive Candy XL for successfully catching Pokémon with Nice Throws or better.
- Additional Candy for Nice Throws or better. 3× Stardust for catching Pokémon.
- Collection Challenges will award Stardust, encounters with Steel-type Pokémon, and Mega Energy for Steel-type Pokémon.
- PokéStop Showcases for event-themed species
- Raids:
- Tier One: Skarmory, Klink, Pawniard, Togedemaru. All can be Shiny. Pawniard may be a draw for Trainers as it is generally only in 12 KM Strange Eggs.
- Tier Three: Steelix, Scizor, Mawile, Aggron. All can be Shiny.
- Field Research: Encounters include Beldum, Klink, and Togedemaru, all of which can be Shiny. Other tasks will award Mega Energy for Steelix, Scizor, and Aggron.
- Timed Research: This will award encounters with event-themed Pokémon, a Magnetic Lure Module, and XP.