Game Of Thrones: Legends has launched a new event today, as the mobile game kicks off Robb's War with the return of Robb Stark
Posted in: Cloud Imperium Games, Games, Star Citizen, Video Games | Tagged: Cloud Imperium Games, star citizen
Star Citizen Gets A New Alpha 3.10: Flight & Fight Update
Cloud Imperium Games have given a new update to Star Citizen this week, as Alpha 3.10 gives players new content in "Flight Or Fight". This is the first update to be put into the game in four months, and probably the first for the staff after COVID-19 threw the world into chaos. The devs have tossed in a number of new improvements including ship combat, new fighting mechanics, a player trading app, ship upgrades, tech improvements, electronic weapons, and a new vehicle in the ROC. Plus a grand reopening for New Babbage. We got the details and the trailer for you here.
- Dynamic Flight Mechanics: Flight mechanics have taken a significant step forward and now account for thruster efficiency curves, simulated wind effects on aerodynamic surfaces, and jerk (speed of ship acceleration). Piloting a speedy fighter-class ship with streamlined wings in atmosphere will now feel noticeably different to landing a large cargo-class ship. With these Alpha 3.10 enhancements, every single ship in Star Citizen (over 100 and counting) feels unique while flying within a planetary atmosphere.
- Ship Combat Improvements: High-speed space combat sees updates to the use of turrets and fixed weapons, gunnery improvements, and targeting methodology, bringing dogfighting and large-scale ship battles more in line with the visceral combat envisioned for Star Citizen. Targeting systems now reward pilots with faster missile lock-ons and firing solutions when flying at slower speeds. By introducing a strategic offensive advantage at lower speeds and disadvantage at higher speeds, ship-to-ship combat is now more engaging, realistic, and cinematic. Manned turrets also receive a major UI overhaul and a new target lock-on system to improve accuracy and coordination between the gunner and pilot as Star Citizen moves towards the goal of a full multi-crew, group play experience.
- Electron Weaponry: Joining energy and ballistic weaponry is a brand-new and shockingly deadly weapon type. Pilots can look forward to adding the Atzkav Sniper Rifle and Yubarev Energy Pistol to their arsenal, the first two Electron weapons from manufacturer The Lightning Company to join the verse.
- Player Trading App: Building on the Unified Friends List system introduced in the Star Citizen — Alpha 3.9 Locked Up & Loaded update, the Player Trading App allows pilots to transfer in-game funds directly to other players, laying the groundwork for more complex trading and asset management features down the road – and a more robust player-driven economy in the universe of Star Citizen.
- New Vehicle – ROC: The all-new ROC (Remote Ore Collector) Vehicle from manufacturer Greycat Industrial rounds out the mining career loop in Star Citizen, providing miners with an entry-level vehicle designed to prospect for a new size of mineable mineral. Designed to be as hard-working and versatile as the miners who use it, the ROC is small enough to access hard-to-reach ore deposits, but powerful enough to get through the tough jobs.
- Upgraded Ships: Two existing ships also see significant upgrades. The Origin M50 – a ship built around pure speed – features cockpit improvements that offer pilots a more open and unobstructed view with dramatic improvements to interior visuals and ship controls. Meanwhile, pilots looking to invest in a nimble fighter that doesn't sacrifice firepower for maneuverability, should look no further than the Khartu-al X'ian scout ship, which receives a reinforced hull, upgraded weapons, and enhanced maneuverability.
- Technology Improvements: Alpha 3.10 also sees enhancements to a number of Star Citizen's core technologies, including ocean improvements, dynamic lighting for day and night, and an initial implementation of body dragging, a foundational step for future gameplay around bounty hunting, medical, and stealth.

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