The latest livestream for The First Descendant revealed what's coming to Season 2: Episode 2, as the content drops next week
Posted in: Cloud Imperium Games, Games, Star Citizen, Video Games | Tagged: Cloud Imperium Games, star citizen
Star Citizen Releases The Underground Infamy Update
Cloud Imperium Games has released a new patch to the Star Citizen Alpha as players can now try out the Underground Infamy Update. The 3.134 update comes with a bunch of new content for the game which includes such interesting features as ship-to-ship docking, a reputation manager that tracks your alignment with NPC mission givers and factions, a bunch of gigantic caves, a slew of new missions, and two brand new vehicles. We got notes from the dev team below as well as a video showing it off.
- BIG Cave Content: Planet environments will see the introduction of big caves. And by "big," we mean, "really BIG." In terms of size, and scope, these caves are larger and more complex than anything players have explored previously. In addition, Bounty Hunter, Assassin, and Combat missions can now occur within these dangerous environments. New entrances allow for players to drive into the maw of caves, with sinkholes also offering a new way for players to fly in and explore underground.
- Ship-to-ship Docking: Ship-to-ship interaction sees a huge leap forward. This first iteration of the system allows the docking and undocking of the Merlin fighter from the Constellation Aquila, Phoenix, and Andromeda, with more ships receiving support in coming patches.
- Reputation Manager: Players can expect a new menu on their mobiGlas tracking their reputation with mission givers, organizations, and factions across the 'verse. By completing missions and tasks players will earn reputation, improving their standing with said faction for a variety of rewards. The reputation manager represents the first such progression system introduced to Star Citizen.
- Greycat ROC-DS: Designed for when the job at hand is a little bigger than expected, this Dual Seat mining vehicle minimizes the headaches with a manually operated mining arm to reach even the most precarious deposits and maximizes profits with more than quadruple the onboard ore-storage of the very popular standard model.
- Cyclone MT: Outfitted with a combination gun and missile turret, the Cyclone MT offers players an all-out assault ground vehicle that carries increased combat options in the field compared to other Cyclone vehicles.
- Cargo Mission Updates: Cargo missions receive two new updates including Quantum sensitive cargo missions, challenging players to manually fly to their destination without relying on their Quantum drive. Multi-drop timed cargo missions come online as players are expected to deliver three packages each with slightly varied timers, requiring more strategic flight navigation for greater rewards.

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