The fact that Imperial Assault won't be getting new releases doesn't appear to be reality quite yet, with Fantasy Flight Games announcing that the Star Wars themed dungeon crawler will be receiving a brand new adventure, TheGray Cap Cantina Raid.
Raid Mode is a tactics-based cooperative adventure for Imperial Assault that sees Rebel agents hold out against waves of Imperial forces while trying to accomplish a goal. In the case of The Gray Cap Cantina Raid, players will have to survive six rounds of enemy assault as they try and gain fame by taking out off-duty Imperial officers.
Image Courtesy Fantasy Flight Games
You won't be going in cold, each player will receive some XP and equipment options to customize their character. If you can put together the perfect team and survive, you may even be good enough to have your named immortalized in the Hall of Legends!
If you want to play the new TheGray Cap Cantina Raid for Star Wars: Imperial Assault, you're going to need both the Twin Shadows and Heart of the Empireexpansions, which you might even be able to find at a pretty good discount from game stores that are looking to off-load a game that won't be getting much future support. You can also pick up the new Gray Cap Cantina Raid Map from your local game shop, but keep in mind that it's not out yet.
Leigh George Kade is a writer, illustrator, and sculptor who lives in Salt Lake City with his wife and two small Skrulls. Leigh has also been a panelist on the wildly popular Geek Show Podcast since 2008. He has been an Entertainment Writer for Bleeding Cool since 2018.
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"Love Boat Angels" was so much more than the fourth season premiere of ABC's flagship jiggle show, "Charlie's Angles". It was also mind-numbingly dull.
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