Posted in: Board Games, Dungeons & Dragons, Games, Wizards of the Coast | Tagged: #NoStoneUnturned, d&d, DnD, dungeons & dragons, wizards of the coast
Dungeons & Dragons is Playing a Social Media Adventure with Fans
The folks behind Dungeons & Dragons appear to be having fun with their audience this week as the company is playing a social media adventure on Twitter.
Today I got a fun message in the mail from the Sage of Shadowdale, Elminster Aumar, along with a very specific key that you see below. From what we've been able to gather, the company has sent out these keys to a number of individuals who love and play D&D across multiple websites, blogs, video channels, podcasts, and other influential people to share the information they've received on these awesome USB keys. Each one contains a piece of a greater puzzle that the D&D fanbase is slowly putting together, but like any puzzle, the pieces are coming out one-by-one and at the discretion of those who choose to share them.
I myself got a piece and will be sharing it later today on my Twitter. You can follow the adventure and even join in to help solve it by using the hashtag #NoStoneUnturned. What's more, it's a free game where all you need are your smarts and wits to play (and a Twitter account if you feel like joining in and participating). We're all kinda stoked to see where this all leads, which we assume will probably be tied into the new adventure the company is revealing next month during the Stream of Many Eyes on Dungeons & Dragons' official Twitch channel. To those of you joining in, we wish you luck!