Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: Flabébé, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go, valentine's day
Valentine's Day 2022 Event Raid Rotation In Pokémon GO
The Valentine's Day event begins today in Pokémon GO. The star of the event is Flabébé, which appears in different locations with differently colored flowers. Five of each Flabébé stage can be obtained in total, including five different colors for each of its evolutions of Floette and Florges. In addition to Flabébé, this event also features the return of Heart-pattern Spinda and the debut of Heart Trim Furfrou. I covered the full details of the event earlier today at Bleeding Cool, so let's take a look to see what the Valentine's Day 2022 Event brings to raids in Pokémon GO to determine if any of these are worthy of your pass.
Tier One
- Audino – Shiny available, not enough data to be accurately observed by researchers
- Miltank – Shiny available, not enough data to be accurately observed by researchers
- Nautral Form Furfrou
- Roselia – Shiny available, standard rate
Tier Three
- Gallade
- Gardevoir
- Lickitung – Shiny available, not enough data to be accurately observed by researchers
- Nidoking
- Nidoqueen
Audino, Miltank, and Lickitung are all rare species that are hardly featured in the wild, which is why it has been difficult for Silph Researchers to narrow down a Shiny rate. All three are good candidates for the "rare spawn" Permaboost Shiny rate that species like Scyther and Sneasel have, but it cannot be said with certainty that these are boosted. I'd suggest using daily passes on those three and ignoring the rest, as this is, to say the least, an uneventful raid rotation. Pokémon GO went from one of its best rotations in recent memory with the Lunar New Year 2022 offering to one of the worst with this.
Tier Five
- Registeel – Shiny available, standard Legendary rate of approximately one in 20
Mega Raids
- Mega Houndoom – Shiny available, standard Mega-capable rate of approximately one in 60
No changes have been made here. These tiers are not impacted by the current event.