Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: bioware, entertainment, games, mass effect, mass effect: andromeda, playstation, playstation 4, video games
There Is A Lot Of Mass Effect: Andromeda And Bioware Noise Being Made Ahead Of Sony's PlayStation Event
So, don't take this as a given at all, but there is some very interesting noises being made about Mass Effect: Andromeda ahead of PlayStation 4's event.
This pinged my radar last night when I heard word that industry insider Shinobi has left this somewhat cryptic messages (1, 2) on NeoGAF about the possibillity of Mass Effect: Andromeda being at the show. He also just tweeted this:
That isn't much to go on to begin with, but word has begun to circle a lot. Interestingly, a lot of Bioware devs have been talking about looking forward to the show tonight and teasing… something.
Here are just a few:
On top of that, I keep hearing more murmurs and excitment around the possiblity of the game showing up, as I've heard Bioware are attendance, but it's impossible to know if this is just word and hype feeding itself.
I wouldn't take any of this as a certain at all, but something to keep an eye on, eh? If it happens, I'll be here to report it.