Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: dragon week, gible, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go
Where Are Deino & Gible In Pokémon GO? A Dragon Week Problem
On paper, Ultra Unlock: Dragon Week sounds like one of the best events in Pokémon GO history. Rayquaza is the Legendary Raid boss with its Shiny, one of the best in the game, available. The elusive Gible is in raids and in the wild. Deino, one of the rarest Pokémon in the game, has had its Shiny form unlocked and is hatchable through 7KM eggs that trainers can get from gifts. Now that Dragon Week is nearing the end, one look at the Pokémon GO corner of social media, though, has many trainers asking the same question: Where are Deino and Gible?
Deino is hatching from 7KM eggs at a shockingly low rate, leaving Silph Researchers to report that they have had a stunning zero encounters with the Pokémon. Pokémon GO trainers are disappointed after the hype of Ultra Unlock as a whole, and Dragon Week specifically, because new Shiny releases tend to at least be somewhat common spawns to give players a fighting chance. Twitter is now flooded with memes about the situation:
While popular Pokémon GO content creators Poke AK and FLW Videos caution against incubating eggs at all during the event:
While even YouTube vlogger ZoëTwoDots, who has been a Niantic sponsored creator in the past, has expressed frustration with the event:
Deino can currently be found in GO Battle League rewards as well, but I'll add a personal anecdote to this: After over 2,200 PVP battles fought on my account, I have received one Deino… and that was before the Shiny release. Make of that what you will, but it seems that getting your hopes up for Deino is a guaranteed disappointment. The best bet would be to set a budget for incubators and stick to that, expecting nothing so that any surprises will be extra sweet.
The Gible problem is less pronounced, because of the various ways in which Gible can be encountered. The one-time rarest spawn in the game is in 7KM eggs, Tier Two raids, and appears in the Wild, albeit at a very low rate. The issue with Gible becomes the rarity of its Raids. After we reported on the first day of Dragon Week that Gible would be in raids, many of the player base seemed to wonder where? While Sneasel and Alolan Exeggutors pop from Tier Twos multiple times per day, it appears that finding a Gible raid is as difficult as finding one in the wild. In the past, Pokémon like Larvitar and Bagon were the Gibles of the game, but then, after a time of rarity, received their own Community Days with their Shiny release. Niantic has kept Gible rare far longer than previous examples, even as new generations of rare Pokémon like Deino and Axew are introduced. The Gible problem is less egregious than the Deino situation, but the treatment of Gible during this event makes many trainers wonder how much longer Niantic can monetize the rarity of this Pokémon.
It seems that question is answered by Dragon Week, where rare Pokémon of the distant past like Dratini, Bagon, and Trapinch are common, but Niantic continues to budge very little on Gible and Deino. Don't get it twisted: Dragon Week is still an incredible experience with multiple angles for trainers to play, but hopefully, Niantic responds to this backlash with improved hatch rates for future events like this.