Posted in: Movies, TV | Tagged: agents of shield, Comics, Dante, entertainment, inferno, inhuman, inhumans, marvel, tv
Could Joe The Inhuman From Marvel's Agents Of SHIELD Be Inferno From The Comics?
This is Dante Pertuz, from the Inhumans. Created by Charles Soule and Joe Madueira, he first appeared in Inhuman #1, as a newly formed Inhuman after being hit by the worldwide Terrigen mists.
Full name Dante Pertuz, Inhuman name Inferno, with the power to cover his boy in rock and emit fire, he has been a prominent figure in the series and in Marvel's promotion, appearing in the All-New All-Different poster images.
His first appearance saw his targeted by the fascist inhuman Lash who wanted to judge if he was worthy of his Inhuman powers.
Now, Lash appeared on Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. tracking down Inhumans and, it seems, killing a number of them. Were they unworthy?
We didn't meet Dante last night… or did we? We met Joe, a Hispanic new Inhuman, who had the power to melt metal in close proximity to him. It's not exactly the flame on of Inferno… but it is in the ballpark. Could Joe become a slightly easier-to-do-on-TV version of Inferno? Although the story moved on from his capture last night, could he return in a big way?
Mindless speculation, of course…