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Exit Through The Molten Steel – Agents Of SHIELD Review
This episode contains spoilers for Marvel's Agents of SHIELD episode – Farewell, Cruel World!
With the season winding down, we knew the team would have to get out of the Framework at some point and finish off the story arc in the real world. Turns out, that happened last night and you got the feeling through the whole thing that someone wasn't going to go through the portal. The candidates were Melinda May who doubted everything, Alphonso Mackenzie who had his little girl back in this world and Leo Fitz, who was head of Hydra and trying to kill them all. Of course it's Mack who stays behind… but its hard to tell if we've seen the last of him or not.
This episode made me really hope that the series gets renewed for a fifth season. Not that I wanted it to be cancelled before, but the fall out from the Framework is going to change things. Fitz did some really horrible things and he remembers them. He still has feelings for Madame Hydra and the emotions of the two Fitz are gong to have a hard time reconciling his actions. But he's not the only one. Melinda May called for the strike that killed Jeffrey Mace. Jemma Simmons killed Fitz's father. Daisy Johnson got to see a different side of Grant Ward. It may have been a virtual world, but they lived in it like it was real and made their choices. This arc will leave some serious scars.
Holden Radcliffe may be or been one of the most interesting characters of the last two seasons. If you judge him by his actions… all but the final one last night… would make him a villain. But his intent makes him a hero. He created LMDs to prevent agents form dying. His programming has kept Aida from killing them this long. And his final action was to save Fitz and send him back to the real world. Radcliffe is probably one of the most complicated characters we've seen on TV in quite some time and John Hannah has played him extremely well.
It will be interesting to see what will end up happening to Aida / Madame Hydra. Why did she want to become real? Why did she want to grow beyond her programming. In the episode she talks about feeling what love is for the first time… but she must've been capable of some level of emotion before that. Her actions said she wanted a life with Fitz. She wanted to kill the rest of SHIELD, but why? So they would be safe in the Framework? Where did the desire to be human come from? I think that is the most interesting question left to answer.
The penultimate episode airs next week and we see that things pick up almost immediately from where we left off.