Posted in: DC Universe, Movies, TV | Tagged: cw, elongated man, entertainment, television, The Flash, The Thinkier
Is Flash Season 4 Adding The Elongated Man?
Late last week casting descriptions for three new characters for Flash season 4 appeared and they're pretty damn interesting. The descriptions come from The Hashtag Show and point at one character we knew was coming and two recurring characters we did not. Now these aren't confirmed by the CW or Warner Bros Television, but this is exactly the same as the announcement last season for Tina Bolland who turned out to be Dinah Drake.
We start with the villain who was named dropped twice in the last season, Clifford DeVoe, also known as the Thinker. DeVoe is a long time Flash villain who was once a district attorney, he changed sides and is known for brilliantly planning out crimes. They're going with a meta-twist here:
[CLIFFORD DEVOE AKA THE THINKER]–Male, 40s-50, Open Ethnicity. After being struck with dark matter from the particle accelerator explosion, Clifford Devoe became a meta-human with a mega-mind. A Stephen Hawking-esque genius who's devised an intricate plan to fix all that he deems wrong with humanity. "The Thinker" will embark upon a season long battle with The Flash that pins the "fastest man alive" against the "fastest mind alive." FRACTIONAL (7/13) ONE SEASON SERIES REGULAR
Then we move on to his henchwoman called The Mechanic. There doesn't seem to be a comic-counterpart for this character, at least not an obvious one. It's always possible this is a cover for another DC character that they want to keep secret… but it could also be someone new.
[THE MECHANIC]–Female, 30s-40, Diverse. A highly intelligent engineer who designs and assembles a plethora of devices for the ailing Clifford Devoe. Devoe's right hand, she's the truest of true-believers who'll stop at nothing to implement his plan to fix all that's wrong with humanity-even if she loses who she is in the process. MAJOR RECURRING GUEST STAR
And the one that folks will probably be the most excited about and the one that has been hinted about as having to push the limits of the shows special effects, Ralph Dibny aka The Elongated Man.
[RALPH DIBNY AKA ELONGATED MAN]–Male, Mid to late 30s, Open Ethnicity. Think Ryan Reynolds or Chris Pratt, Ralph has the ability to stretch his body to super-human lengths and sizes…however, while resculpting his old body is easy to do, Dibny finds losing the old misguided sense of truth and slobbery, even after joining the team at S.T.A.R. Labs, is a far more difficult task to accomplish. MAJOR RECURRING GUEST STAR WITH A SERIES REGULAR OPTION FOR NEXT SEASON
Another member of Justice League Detroit makes his TV debut. From that run, only Batman, Aquaman and Zatanna are left… and I don't think the Arrowverse will be getting Batman or Aquaman any time soon. And will there be a Sue Dibny in the series? There almost has to be.