Posted in: Movies, Ticket Booth | Tagged: fifty shades darker, film, john wick: chapter 2, loving, the lego batman movie
Ticket Booth For 'Fifty Shades Of LEGO John Wick'
Welcome to the first of another weekly segment where we look at the new releases and try to figure out where your money is best spent. As always, this is just a suggestion and no one can force you to do anything with your money that you don't want to do. Also, this is coming from a person without any children but likes to think that she has a good handle on what kind of movies kids might like. There are going to be weekends with a good variety of movies to choose from and others where your best option is to stay home. Let's look at this weekend and see what we've got.
The major releases for this weekend are The LEGO Batman Movie, John Wick: Chapter 2 and Fifty Shades Darker. They are three different movies catering to three very different audiences.
If you're the type of person that is going to see Fifty Shades Darker then nothing I say is going to change your mind. However, this is also Valentine's Day weekend, so some couples could be tempted to go to this thinking this a romantic movie for date. This is not true. There really isn't a Valentine's romance movie this year so for "date night" the recommendation would be to stay in. There are plenty of movies on demand and between Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime there are much better options. One of those options is Loving which is a much more about relationships than anything in the theaters.
There is a certain group of people who enjoy R rated action movies. They don't usually make a ton of money at the box office, but these fans are reliable when it comes to showing up when it counts. These are the fans who turned the original John Wick into a success, and they should show up to support this sequel, John Wick: Chapter 2. It is R rated and very violent, but this isn't the type of violence with gallons of blood spilling on the ground. It's a lot of headshots and a very large body count. This is the perfect movie to treat yourself to this weekend, if this is your thing, or maybe a good group of friends after dinner and a beer. If the people behind this movie have planned properly, they will be happy with a second place finish for the weekend.
The likely winner of the weekend is going to be The LEGO Batman Movie. This is the definition of a true "family film" in the sense that it appeals to everyone in the theater. This is the movie for the kids all of the way to the grandparents. There are few people who won't come out of this movie without enjoying themselves. If you're on the fence as to whether or not you'll like this movie check out The LEGO Movie. If you like that one, you'll enjoy this one just as much.
Recommendations: The LEGO Batman Movie will appeal to everyone, John Wick: Chapter 2 for the R rated action fan, and a night in streaming Loving for those looking for romance this Valentine's weekend.