2k Games Archives

The Bioshock iOS App Is Coming Back
The other day, I wrote about the the loss of the Bioshock app on iOS platforms. It seemingly disappeared without warning, after not working with recent
XCOM 2 Gameplay Surfaces After E3
I got to see a bunch of XCOM 2 at E3 this year, and... well, it was a lot of XCOM. It is pretty much what you would expect from a sequel to the game, only
Spike Lee Is Writing The Story For NBA 2K16
If you've never played the NBA 2K games, they actually have fairly in depth stories with characters, plot and all that. But yes! Film Director Spike Lee is going to be taking on the writing duties of NBA 2K16, it's been announced The cover itself will even adorn the trademark 'A Spike Lee Joint' subtitle. Lee is[...]
Battleborn Resurfaces With A Very Stylish Trailer
I'm going to be seeing Battleborn in less than two weeks as part of 2K Games' E3 showing I'm looking forward to it too It is supposedly MOBA-ish, and seeing Gearbox playing with that genre could be really fun. We don't know too much about the game, but here is a really slick trailer for the[...]
2K Say That Bioshock Is Still A "Really Important" Franchise For Them
Gamespot reported that at the Technology, Media, & Telecom Conference in New York 2K Games CEO, Strauss Zelnick spoke about Bioshock saying: It's a really important intellectual property for the company And while I don't have any announcements to make, yes, it's a really important franchise for us. He also revealed that 25 million copies have been sold[...]